>From the description of the symptoms it is very likely that there is moisture in the system with the freon. When the moisture freezes up it stops the flow of the freon. When it melts then the freon flows again. This is exactly the reason it isn't always the best thing to just "top off" the system with freon to get it running again. You MUST find the leak or leaks, make sure there is enough oil in the system, and pull a HARD vacuum to remove ALL of the moisture. Only then can you replace the freon. Other possible causes are the cooling fans quiting because of the circuit breaker, an under or overcharge of freon causing the evap coil to freeze over. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Bob Thomason" <rdt7@xxxx> wrote: > I had an R12 recharge about a month ago and everything is working great except for one annoying problem. After the AC has been running a while, say 30 to 45 minutes, it will begin to blow warm air. If I cut the AC off and then back on, it will begin to blow cold air again. Sometimes I have to do this several times in a row to fix the problem. This happens on either the Normal or Max switch setting. Any thoughts/suggestions? > > Bob Thomason #5252 > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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