What is the blower speed when this happens? If on speed one or two it is probably a connection to the clutch or, the blower motor is drawing too much current away from the clutch. Blower speeds one and two run on the clutch circuit. Disconnect and reconnect the clutch connections in the engine compartment - there are two right there by the compressor that often get contaminated. Also check the connections on the accumulator (just take them off and reattach a couple of times to clear a connection) If that doesn't work try blower speed three for a few days and see what happens. Blower speeds three and four run on a circuit separate of the clutch. If that seems to solve your problem I would say you should take out the blower motor and oil the felt for the bottom motor bushing. You can see it through the vent hole. It is probably dried out - most blower motors have new life after getting a good dose of oil on the felt (20w) and draw fewer amps. I do mine every several years when I hear it start to rumble or "knock" some. Harold McElraft - 3354 --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Bob Thomason" <rdt7@xxxx> wrote: > I had an R12 recharge about a month ago and everything is working great except for one annoying problem. After the AC has been running a while, say 30 to 45 minutes, it will begin to blow warm air. If I cut the AC off and then back on, it will begin to blow cold air again. Sometimes I have to do this several times in a row to fix the problem. This happens on either the Normal or Max switch setting. Any thoughts/suggestions? > > Bob Thomason #5252 > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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