Hey all, Last night a fellow DMC owner pointed out that there was a poster of my car for sale on ebay. The wheels had been digitally altered and all the background was erased. That "artist" was offering this as "Original artwork by Michael Antoine." This was actually a photograph taken of my car at Memphis by Cindy Hamm. Below are both the original link from Cindy's site and the now defunct auction on ebay: http://www.kynthos10.com/memphis/b1.jpg http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3527170241&category=20135 I emailed the seller asking who's car this was and where he got the photo and he responded that it was from an ad online. I advised him that it was my car and since neither I nor Cindy had authorized this print and the fact that he was claiming it as his own that I had contacted ebay to report this as fraud. Everyone will have a different opinion on how their car is to be used or not....but because he was lying and claiming the work as his own I felt I had to end the lie. There was no money in this endeavor to be had, but the fact that the person lied about where he got the photo and claimed it was his original work really got to me so I made sure he knew I did not give my permission for him to use my car in his work in anyway. If you feel a bit protective of your stuff I would advise you to watch out for things like this. Matthew VINs 10365 and 16816