Each side of the running/park lights is on a different fused circuit. So, if just the front amber lights do not work it is probably the bulb or, in a lot of cases, water generally gets into the bulb area and rust causes a loss of connection. The bulbs are 1816, 4 watt bulbs. During replacement, use some bulb grease to protect the connection. You can get it at NAPA, etc. It is good to use on all bulbs when you service them. Be careful to tighten the amber housing down lightly when you put it back on. Age causes them to break easily if the screws are tightened too much. Harold McElraft - 3354 --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "dmcorlando2003" <SundeQuick@xxxx> wrote: > Hey guys, > > I just replaced my headlight switch (LMS) and it works, however the > amber marker lights on the fenders don't work now (they worked > before) either with or without the headlights on. All other lights > work just fine.