Jason - I have had a couple of very small dings removed from a rear quarter panel using a local Dent Wizards franchise. The result was perfect as far as I am concerned. The dings were incurred during a Father's Day car show inside a shopping mall. A gaggle of little kids came pouring out of a J.C.Penney store, and swarmed the car, knocking one of the stanchions over into the fender. The only requirement for Dent Wizard is that they need access to the back side in the area of the dent. This means that the inner door panels would need to be removed for dings in the doors themselves, and you may have to remove a fender if it is dented, and the underbody is blocking access to the back side. Your local technician can give input on what is possible. BTW - I am not associated with any companies that perform this service - simply a satisfied customer. Toby Peterson VIN 2248 Winged1 --- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Jason Perkins" <jperkins@xxxx> wrote: > Since I didn't hear anything back last time, I am reposting. > It is possible to have small "shopping cart" size dings removed from >the SS by local vendors? Has anyone ever had to perform this?
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