After 21 years of faithful service, my DeLorean no longer uses a Ducey alternator. The Ducey was a faithful servant to the end, never once giving out, even under the heaviest of loads. She is gone only because driving around Memphis was too uncomfortable. With the headlights and AC operating in slow traffic, the Ducey just couldn't spare the amps for little things like turn signals and windshield wipers. Even with the idle set intentionally high, illuminating my brake lights was sometimes a struggle. So while we were in Memphis, John Hervey of Special T Auto sold me one of his big 150 amp alternators. He even found the time to install it for me on Saturday morning. It made quite a difference! Not only did my new alternator perform well on the long ride back to Cleveland, this week it has been marvelous in city traffic. I believe this surplus of electricity has improved both the comfort and safety of my DeLorean considerably. I still have the original Ducey, and I may go back to it someday, especially if I ever compete in Concours. After so many years I know that it is possible to live with the Ducey indefinitely, but the change is refreshing. Thank you very much John Hervey. - Mike Substelny VIN 01280, 8 wonderful years