Buying a DeLorean on ebay
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Buying a DeLorean on ebay

Hey folks,
I'm probably an exception to the rule, but I found mine on ebay. Admittedly, you can't find an easier way to shop and you can be extremely choosy with just a click of the mouse.
When the right one came up (desired combination of features), in the right price range, with a detailed, favorable description (including carfax info, many pictures, etc.), and in the right geographical location. . .
I bid. And won.
And on my way to get the car, I figured if it wasn't as described when I got there, I wasn't buying it. Simple as that.
And a long days drive is (in my opinion) *Nothing* compared to actually purchasing a lemon and living with it for many years.
So, when I got there, it wasn't exactly as described.
It was much better. And to top it off, they had it meticulously detailed.
It's been almost a year now (knock on stainless), and although there are some things that will need some love and attention as usual, it's a great car, and I'm looking forward to sharing it will y'all in Memphis- as well as seeing yours!
-providing it doesn't conk out on us during the 15 hour drive! :-)
Oliver Holler

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