I made another observation concerning my rear brake runout problem: It appears that a significant part (but not all) of the runout (wobble) is due to the way that the rotor seats on the hub. I don't know if this is due to a bent or uneven hub or to a poorly made rotor. (The problem is about the same on both sides.) I didn't check the rear wheels for runout, but plan to soon. I cleaned it all very thoroughly before I seated the rotor. The wobble is bad enough that it almost makes adjusting the hand brake a moot point. I'm wondering now if the reason that one of my OEM parking brake pads came apart is because it was getting slapped by the rotor runout. (That would have been the OEM rotor at the time.) If anyone is adjusting their hand brakes, be sure to spin the rotor a complete revolution for incase the runout is at an awkward spot. The local autoparts store didn't have the exact size cottor pin to hold the hand brake adjustment. A 3/32 was too thin, and a 1/16 was almost too thick. There is no size in-between unless it's metric? I managed to get the 1/16 size through the holes with a little fussing. Walt Tampa, FL