Re: [DML] Re: John Delorean and Reliability.
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Re: [DML] Re: John Delorean and Reliability.

Your litany sounds familiar. But I didn't buy this car with the intent of 
treating it like a turn key driver. As I became more familiar with it I 
realized that Rube Goldberg must have been on the engineering staff. The only 
thing I can think of as to why they did certain things is because they were 
desperate, out of time, out of money, and maybe had no other choice.

Anyway, I consider my Delorean a kit car that comes 70% assembled from the 
factory, with the remaining 30% to be done by you the owner. But the catch 
is the factory doesn't tell you what the remaining 30% is before you buy in. 

I don't intend to keep it stock. Stock is synonomous with inferior in too 
many areas of this car. I love to tinker and this is a great kit car to 
tinker with. It gets better with every change I make, and if it doesn't then 
it's no worse off then what Dunmurry gave us, and I simply roll back to oem.

I worry that maybe if I keep having fun with it, and making changes, that 
I'll eventually end up loosing money on this one when it comes time to cash 
out. I've made a habit out of making money on all of my special interest cars 
over the past 10 years or so. I think the DMC may be the exception. But it's 
been a concious choice.... the cost of fun and having a good time..


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