(Please go to this web page pictures to ref. the topic below: Below ( is a picture of my original OEM console with the new DIN cut replacement console from DMC Houston on the right. My question is, When I install the new DMC console, it does not have a black finish like the original. I originally realized this problem when I bought the console, but DMC Houston assured me that the vents, and radio cover all surface areas. This is not true. If you see below, the red arrows show areas on the ORIGINAL console that are visable to the naked eye (even when the center console is on the unit) and those SAME areas on the replacement one now look like silver sheet metal. What is the correct thing to do here? I bought this $150 replacement so that the car looks unmodified. If I use this unit, IT WILL STAND OUT. Should I spray paint it black? Will that still look good when done? What have other people done? What does DMC Houston recommend to other buyers? Kevin Abato