Check your local government offices for a toxic waste collection depot. Or you can call your local service center and see if they know of a place to take used coolant. Rochester has a collection center and they will take waste coolant, paint, cleaners, brake fluid, you name it. Best of all, it's FREE! In Minnesota, service stations have to take waste crankcase, transmission, and gear oil, and anyplace that sells automotive batteries has to take dead batteries for a small fee. Mike -----Original Message----- From: therealdmcvegas [mailto:DMCVegas@xxxx] Sent: Monday, December 31, 2001 3:47 PM To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: [DML] Waste Coolant Disposal. This is also a leagal issue where you need to check your local regulations. Stormdrains are ALWAYS a definate no-no! As is a septic tank since it is designed to leach excess liquid into the ground.