Misc PRV Question.
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Misc PRV Question.

As some may know, I'm researching possible options for 
improving my engine. And I've found a few avenues possibility 
wise. But I have have gotten a few questions along the way that 
need answers. So, here goes.

1. Is there a mechanical distributor that can be used on the 3.0 
litre PRV for even firing?

2. Is there anything unique about the Ignition ECU on the 
DeLorean that makes it unusable for modifications? i.e. same 
fire order, higher output, CIS vs. Carburetion.

3. Are the 3.0 litre pistons, sleeves, and heads compatable with 
the B28F block? Are modifications nessisary?

4. Aspirated vs. Turbo charged: Which is better?

I've been looking at the A310 setup. While the modifications look 
very atractive output and ease of installation wise, I don't know 
that there is room in the DeLorean engine bay to fit the 
aftermarket competition kit. The sport version does look 
promising though... So there is turbo charging. I'd love to use the 
3.0 litre engine, but I don't know that there are any aftermarket 
parts available to convert it. So far, it looks like a turbo engine 
would entail larger cams, and a lower compression ratio, and a 
port & polishing job at the very least. But even after this is 
complete, I then need to worry about an intake manifold. With 
EFI, keeping the extra plumbing from the CIS is not nessisary. 
Unless of course someone knows of a single carb manifold for 
the PRV...

Just some of the ideas that I've been toying with lately. No 
conversion in my immediate future. But something that I am 
thinking about none the less...

As usual, thanks in advance!

vin 6585 "X"

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