Well, I found and licked my speedo noise problem. It seems that my problem was identical to Walt's-- the cable from the angle drive was too long. It was jammed into the plastic cap so tight that it took a claw hammer to break it free. Fortunately, it didn't break during all that. I was sweating a little there about that. When I replaced my broken lower cable I pulled on the plastic cap wanting to oil that end but gave up too soon. What I succeeded in doing was loosening it enough to allow the cable to bend and make the awful noise. So... I cut the end off the plastic cap's nipple with a razor-- even kept the hole square. Now the cable can stick out-- about a quarter of an inch, and the cap fits snug. No Noise! I was a little worried about break dust and road grime working back through that opening so I squirted a little black silicone around the cable end and then wiped off the excess. Afterall, I don't want to permanently glue it in place! With Dave Swingle's help I've got a pic loaded into the Photos section of our website at groups.yahoo.com, so head over and take a look. I took the holiday morning off and took my beautiful wife cruising for a while. That's a good thing! The weather has cooled down, and I can turn the AC off finally and really enjoy the ride. I love this car! Kevin #4687, Houston