Where is this valve??
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Where is this valve??

Folks, I need help (or at least someone to tell me I'm not totally 

I'm following the instructions of the seasoned D owners here o this 
group. Trying to troubleshoot some problems, I was checking all of 
the vacuum lines - following the chart in the engine compartment and 
the pictures in the tech. manual.

I found out that the vacuum lines do not all go where they are 
supposed to. I'm trying to find the Thermal Control Valve (which 
should be just to the right of the air intake plate assembly)...

I can't find it. Moreover - the hoses that should lead to it, do not. 
(this is why I went searching for it; I believe I have a spark 
advance problem).

Am I looking in the wrong place? Is it not exactly where the picture 
specifies? Is it possible that it could have been removed - (and then 
would the engine even run at all ??? which it does.) 

I know how this sounds, I'm really not that dense...but I just don't 
see it. Any guidance or experience would be appreciated.

Vin# 5557


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