I wear small shoes like tennis shoes or loafers. (size 13, too). I removed the dead pedal to help for foot room, too. It would seem that the brake pedal could be a little smaller. (The pad on the accelerator removed helps a little, too.) Bill Buckner Instrumentation Supervisor Electrical and Instrument Dept. Pfizer, Inc. Global Manufacturing Holland, MI Facility % Phone: 616-392-2375 x-2449 * Fax: 616-392-8267 * Email: william.buckner@xxxx To: DeLorean Subject: [DML] Big Foot My size 13 foot on my automatic rests on the accelerator pedal and also on the brake pedal simultaneously, unless I watch it carefully. Seems like someone came up with a solution for this for people with big feet. Has anyone made any mod? Like maybe a different brake pedal that is narrower in width and if so how much work is it to change it, or alter it? Murray Fisher Vin: 05962 Lic: DMC-XII Walla Walla WA