Converting to R-134a is cheap. One kit from Walmart for $35 is almost enough. However, you have to make sure you don't get any air or moisture inside. I had a friend with a little pump that we hooked up to the system and let it run for about 90 minutes, building a good vacuum inside the system. He had all the gauges and bleeder valves and whatnot to make sure that we didn't introduce any air or moisture. Without him, there is no way I would risk doing it myself. Oxygen and water will mix with the gas and create an acid or something... anyway, it's bad. R-134a doesn't cool as well as 12. But if you're sweating already, anything is welcome. It was closing in on 100 yesterday (and SO humid after the floods here in Houston), and for a few minutes I was wishing that I had 12 for that extra kick. [moderator snip]