RE. To spray or not to spray that is the question....?
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RE. To spray or not to spray that is the question....?

Go 4 It

I just re-sprayed my fascias, I had no previous experience of painting
before I did my fascias. There are a couple of important things to remember
firstly I rubbed my fascia down and did a small test spray, I found that the
paint I was using was reacting with the existing pain and going oily (always
do a small test patch and allow to fully dry before doing the whole thing).
Secondly use a primer as primers generally fill any small scratches and will
give you a better finish.
Lastly, don't be afraid of painting, I learned that there really is nothing
to be afraid of when painting because if you go wrong just start again, it
is worth trying to straiten out any warps in the fascia before you paint it.

My whole job cost £12.00 or $16.00 and it looks very good, there are some
small blemishes which you can see if you really look closely but it is at
least 1000 times better than it was.

Hope this builds some confidence.


James RG
Vin # 5462

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