All my timings are correct. If I spray a small amount of starting fluid into the intake the engine will start right up and idle for a second then die. That rules out any timing issues and/or ignition problems. I am very familiar with engine timing's and such. The Bosch fuel system is very new to me since I've worked primarily on MFI & TBI electronic fuel injection systems. I just ordered a Fuel pressure gauge for the Bosch K-Jetronic system from JC Whitney for $54.95 (could have gone to more parts for my car, oh well. Right now I have these symptoms since I last posted. I have taken all 6 injectors out and placed them in cups. I jump-started the fuel pump and let it run. Only three of the six injectors spray a small amount of fuel. When I push down on the air meter flap the amount of fuel increases coming out of the injectors for a brief moment then decreases. I've taken out the other three injectors that weren't spraying and I attached my shop air hose to it. I set the pressure to apporx 75lbs and shot some air into the injector. All of them opened up without a problem. Any pressure less than approx 60lbs the injectors stay closed. I sprayed some cleaner into the injector then again applied 75 lbs of shop air into the injectors; the cleaner sprayed out the nozzle what seemed to be a good spray pattern. I've checked my system for fuel leaks and I don't have any. I am assuming that maybe my warm up regulator may be bad/stuck open and letting TOO much fuel back to the fuel tank causing a low pressure? I guess I'll find out when I receive my Fuel gauges sometime next week. i will admit I have tinkered with the CO adjustment and now it's probably all out of whack. Anyone now where I can start it as a reference point once I figure out my fuel pressure problem? Thanks to all that responded to my questions. If anyone else has anymore suggestions please feel free to email me. I am trying to get my D ready for my wedding in 4 months and I still have a lot of work to do!! :) I am starting to get frustrated with this problem (not the car, just the fuel system). Steve Rubano --- In dmcnews@xxxx, jtrealty@xxxx wrote: > [MODERATOR'S NOTE: The use of ether or other starting fluids can be > hazardous to yourself and your vehicle. The use of ether or starting > fluids is suggested for experienced professionals under controlled > conditions, and the reader should take appropriate precautions > and gauge his/her skills before undertaking the test David outlines. > The use of ether carries the potential of engine damage and fire if > used indiscriminately.] > > > > The amount of fuel comming out of the injectors is directly affected > by the position of the air sensor plate. At idle with the plate closed > you don't get alot of fuel out of them. If you push the plate down you > will see more fuel come out. If you adjusted the mixture screw be > aware that it is VERY sensitive and a SMALL adjustment will throw the > air fuel ratio far enough out of whack that the engine will just > sputter and die. Since you say that you took the engine apart can you > be sure that you have everything correctly timed? To rule out a fuel > problem pull the #7 fuse to the fuel pump and squirt a LITTLE BIT of > ether into the engine. If it doesn't start right up for a couple of > seconds start looking somewhere else like valve timing or distributer > timing or ignition wiring. Pull a spark plug and make sure it is > firing with a nice blue spark! > David Teitelbaum > vin 10757
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