Matthew, If your worried about water or other foreign matter in the tank. Jack the front of the car up just a little above level and the water or foreign matter will normally collect in the back of the tank.Then get a hose and siphon it out. Nothing messy to fool with. If you will run it into a bucket or pan you will see any contaminates. I pulled out about 1/4 of a cup of water and residue from the tank. As for your fuel starvation problem, That could be many places around the fuel system. If normal maintance isn't done,then it could be as easy as a fuel pump, fuel screen,fuel filter, injector seals where the cylinder is sucking more air than it should. Another place could be the adjustment of the air flow meter, and the adjustment of the Primary pressure regulator. You could also have filter screens in the injectors stopped up if injector cleaners haven't been run thru the gas ever so often. Hope this helps. I think the envelope your talking about is the filter screen on the end of the pick up hose going to the fuel pump. If it's clean, leave it there it's not your problem. John Hervey email if you need futher info. --- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Matthew Walker" <mwalker@xxxx> wrote: > I know this has been beaten to death. But is there another possible > cause to the fuel starvation symptoms normally caused by a collapsed > inlet fuel line? ( I know my problem is not a collapsed line since > there is currently in place the fun to spring fix. ) > > Another question possibly related -- comments or info on the envelope > style pre-filter -- is there an alternative?