There are different fuel starvation problems and different symptoms. If the problems seem to go away when you fill the tank then it is usually a bad suction hose or loose-missing pick-up. If it seems to happen at high speeds or heavy loads then it could be a dirty filter. The starvation could be caused by a suction leak ahead of the pump, a kinked suction hose, a bad pump, a dirty filter, etc. When you have fuel problems the place to start is in the fuel tank. IMHO most of the fuel system problems start there. Be careful when installing the fuel pump because if you turn it as you install it you could kink the suction hose even if you put a spring in the hose. If the filter hasn't been replaced in a long time do it. One bad tank of gas could ruin the filter. The fuel is constantly circulating through it so even if the tank is clean all of the dirt could be in it. You could cut it open to verify after you replace it. Water could make the car act like a fuel starvation problem. A little Dry Gas might help if there isn't too much. If there are large amounts of water the tank will have to be drained and the water separated out. When you open the tank and look in you will see the water if it is there and any dirt. Observe safety precautions when working on the fuel system as it is a dangerous area of the car if precautions are not taken. Have plenty of ventilation, a fire extingushier handy, gloves and safety glasses, approved containers for fuel if removed, an assistant nearby in case of trouble. Wipe up any spilled fuel immediatly, keep from contact with skin and eyes, don't breath the fumes, and no open flames or electrical lights. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 --- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Matthew Walker" <mwalker@xxxx> wrote: > I know this has been beaten to death. But is there another possible > cause to the fuel starvation symptoms normally caused by a collapsed > inlet fuel line? ( I know my problem is not a collapsed line since > there is currently in place the fun to spring fix. ) > > Another question possibly related -- comments or info on the envelope > style pre-filter -- is there an alternative?