For my money, nothing compares to the experience of a specialist. I just got my car back from being restored at PJ Grady's. What I thought was going to be a minor fix-it became a $6,000+ restoration job, and I say without hesitation that I trust my car to Rob more than anyone else on the planet (sorry Dan!). It was money well spent. Not only did he repair the front of my frame to better than new status, rebuild my steering rack, work on the exhaust, fuel system, and a bunch of other stuff, he also worked his ass off on repairing a crack in the engine block. That's right, people, I now have a brass plug & epoxy in the bottom part of my engine block. This problem was never properly fixed, and I have no doubt that there are few people talented enough to actually get the thing right. If PJ Grady recommends the Purflux, so be it... I'm buying it. If Rob says that I really need a new exhaust, so be it - it's done. If I hear about a mystical coolant system dance Rob's trying out, I'm there. The point is that you have to go with somebody who knows their sh - stuff with these cars... I read here that a Volvo dealer didn't even recongize their own freakin motor!! That's just unacceptable. So, as I neared my Philadelphia home last night at 1am, after being awake for nearly 24 hours, travelling up to Long Island, spending a lovely dinner with Rob & Debbie, and driving the Belt Parkway down to the NJ Turnpike, I pulled up to a stop light to the right of a car with two very lovely girls inside. The lowered their passenger side window and asked, "Hey what kind of car is that?" I said, "A Delorean." She said, "Wow... looks cool... wanna come out with us?" I said, "No thanks, I'd rather drive for a little while longer..." And I pulled away. -ben 06976
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