Thanks, everyone, for the input on my first set of problems! I filled up the tank and drove the car on the same route it was on last time...except this time it didn't die. Full tank = fine, half tank = dead engine. I'll check out the pickup line, baffle, etc. once my parts and tech manuals arrive and I can hopefully get some assistance from a fellow D owner in the area. Until I learn more, having me work unsupervised in the most flammable/explosive area of the car is probably not the best of ideas. :-) As for the tremendous vibration, I suspected flat-spotted NCT's and the general consensus seems to have confirmed that. There's a shop not too far away that has a GSP9700, but they say they can't get the Yokohamas I want because they're not in production anymore. I'll have to order the tires from, then take them (in a second car, of course) to have them installed and balanced. The whole thing will end up running upwards of $500...but that's a small price to pay to finally be able to drive my car over 40MPH! ________________ Todd Masinelli VIN 6681