Since the system is mechanical, the answer would be yes. If you were to jump the fuel pump relay to start the fuel pump, the injectors would open. A fuel pressure gague can help you determine the failure of certain fuel system components by way of measuring what the fuel pressure is durring specific conditions. To the best of my knowlege from what I've read from the service manual and the BOSCH manual, a fuel pressure test gauge is not able to determine fuel delevery issues with the fuel injectors. For this test you need to have each injector spray fuel into an individual container. The container is usually clear so that you can 1. Make sure that they all fill up at the same time (even distribution), and 2. To verify that they have a correct spray pattern. Using the feed back from both of these visual tests, you'll be able to utilize the info from the manual to determine the proper repair nessisary. -Robert vin 6585 --- In dmcnews@xxxx, Jim Strickland <ihaveanaccount@xxxx> wrote: > I believe the Bosch fuel system is continuous injection, but at what time