I think it's time for some enterprising vendor to come up with a basic newbie kit. Why all of the same questions over and over when they could be printed out and enclosed with perhaps some Lexol, and a list of what's leather and what's vinyl. No one in my town has Lexol and if I have to order it I'd like to support the vendors who support us. Also, a Posidrive screwdriver, none in my town ever heard of it. And how about a rendering of how to fix those intermittent tail lights, the nut and bolt theory, the soldering theory and the new board availability. Everybody has tail light problems, why not alert up front. Plus add some of your own, or make it a welcome aboard kit, whatever, but more and more new people are coming on board or preparing to, let's lend a hand the easy way. I'm thinking some of those multi-hundred dollar replacement parts may include a tiny markup and it might be possible for one of the major vendors to do a welcome wagon bit with a newbie kit. As of Saturday I'll be one of the old timers, two months old, and I've benefited handsomely from the list, I have to believe that no one of us knows it all, but in total, we come pretty close. Thanks to all who responded to my many questions, I'll do my part as well as my perceived wisdom allows. Les