Kevin, The t-panel is attached by screws to the fiberglass body underneath the outer door seals (weatherstripping). From what I understand it also has some sort of adhesive or double sided tape holding it down at the center and is wedged into place underneath the rear finishing screen. The rear connection can be undone by removing the finishing strip. (this is that black strip with all the slots directly above the rear window on your car and directly below the louvers) As far as I know, there should be no reason you'd have to remove the louvers to take off this screen. You simply take off the three screws holding it in place and then CAREFULLY turn the strip outward from the bottom to get it around the lip on the stainless panels at the top. I emphasize that you be careful with this, as this part can be rather fragile and is not currently available, new, from the parts suppliers. Hope that helps you solve your problem. Good Luck, Josh VIN 5102 VIN 15964 [Quote snipped by trigger-happy moderator]