In mine, the fuse block has melted in two places, where the fuses are connected much like the fan fail fix... I'd love to eventually clean that area up, and get a new block and harness, but would hate to have it meltdown again-- is there an alternative fuse box out there? -ben 06976 --- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx, "Walter" <Whalt@xxxx> wrote: > Jim, > > It's not the fuse itself that is the source of the heat so much as it is the > poor connection to the fuse. If you want to reduce your chances of a > melt-down, use a heavier duty style of fuse & fuse holder with the original > 20 amp rating. > > The Delorean engineers thought they could get away with using a fuse & > holder rated at 20 amps that was meant for a low duty cycle and instead they > used it for a high or even continuous duty cycle situation (as in the case > with the headlight high beams which causes another melted spot on the fuse > block.) Either you need to take apart and clean the contacts periodically > and hope it doesn't melt down despite your efforts or else replace it with a > reasonable design that does not require this sort of maintenance. > > Walt Tampa, FL