Although we have not yet participated in a concours, we did take our D to twenty-three car shows this year. We placed in twenty-one shows and more often than not we placed 1st. Although we put a lot of TLC and effort into our D, having the winning formula at these types of shows(non concours) can be difficult because there is no real structure or guide book to follow. We do it for fun and the love of our car. The D does the rest. We have competed in all types of classes with all types of cars and the D always seems to have the edge. But all of these events didn't mean as much as coming to Cleveland and competing with our own kind. We placed second in our class but more importantly learned a lot about our car and met some great people! We are going to participate in the concours for the next couple of years and hope to learn more about our car and have fun in the process. The fact that we have a judging guideline for our D's is a plus in my book. Although there appears to be some grey areas and differences of opinion, the guidelines for the most part are set. We enjoy seeing the posts on concours competition as it helps us and others tune in on what they need to do to place.