James Espey DeLorean Motor Company Houston, Texas
281/568-9573 800/USA-DMC1 http://www.delorean.com
In the most recent concours held in Cleavland and going by the judging manual created by James Espey and Steve Wynn of DMC Houston the car would have points deducted for every change or modifacation from "BONE STOCK" (including the smaller circuit breakers for the cooling fans and blower and old door lock module). In some other concours events held by other marques if you have the correct parts on the ground by the car or can produce documentation that the car was sold by the dealer that way they will accept it.Some car clubs like AACA allow any safety related changes like turn signals, seat belts, safety glass etc. As long as the owner has the origional parts and didn't cut the car up you can return it to stock condition. A perfect concours car would IMHO require all zillas which is a considerable investment plus new tires, header bottle, radiater, battery switch, etc to be a good and reliable daily driver and not just a show car. David Teitelbaum vin 10757 2nd place Cleavland Millenium 2000 concours