I just got a motorola alternator to replace the broken 'iskra' (sp?) one that the previous owner put in... The motorola alternator has two contacts marked "b+", the post for the brown wire bundle, and a male slide connector. What is the male slide connector for? Do I have to connect this to +12v or is it there for convenience? The reason I ask this is because the old alternator did not have a slide-on conector like the one on the motorola, and I can't seem to find any wire that could/should connect to that place on the alternator... I DID find, however, that there was a short brown wire coming out of the wiring harness just above the alternator, and figuring that brown was +12v, and B+ was +12v, they were supposed to be connected. Having connected this wire to the alternator made the idle speed regulator whir, fuel relay to click at 1Hz, the ignition resistances get very very hot, and something to buzz that seems to be underneath the air intake. What have I done? What is that brown wire for? Is something supposed to be connected to that b+ slide-on terminal? What was buzzing under the air intake? Jim. 1537 - Electrical train wreck thanks to those who helped resolve my other mystery wires.. FYI, the big brown wire in the relay compartment was for the door locks, and somehow I really don't want to connect it... Oh ya, also, my fuel relay clicks at 1Hz when the ignition is on, is this normal?