Help! Our 81 Delorean (VIN 7003) has a problem overheating. We could not find a leak in the cooling system so we thought that it was due to the cooling fan relay switch (which we replaced) we tested the car and it has tried to overheat again, however we are not sure if we got all the air out of the cooling system (thought we did) does someone have a method of 'burping the car' to get all the air out? Could not find a method on any of the Delorean web sites over the weekend. Although, it may be that we got all the air out because we noted that even after we thought we got the air out the coolant fluid was not moving to the radiator (the water pump and cooling hoses has been replaced within the last year) so could it be a bad water pump? Do those usually go out? We also tested the thermostat and it was working.....comments? Thanks, Aliza