I looked up Giugiaro, the stylist of the delorean and found a good website with all the cars hes worked on: http://jyanet.com/cap/1998/0213fe3.htm One example is the Hyundai excel, take a look at one and you'll see the wheels are basically IDENTICAL to the delorean! Has anyone considered using hyundai excel wheels instead of the expensive delorean wheels? Heres a used Excel where you can see the wheels ok: http://www.autotrader.com/findacar/vdetail.jtmpl?info_query=53031662&car_id= 53031662&dealer_id=&&form_status=FindACar_form&max_price=&start_year=1985&en d_year=1986&ac_afflt=none&address=92056&borschtid=46706080282966983008&searc h_type=FindSale&make=HYUND&model=HYUEXCEL&distance=&y=3&x=21&sort_type=sort_ by_price