Update: The Greenville Ave parade is Sat.March 11 at 11am deadline for entry is March 1. The Dallas Parade is March 12th Sunday at 2pm. We have a Special Interest group entry and can have as many cars entered as we can get together.The parade Director is a car buff and is really excited that we are entering, " since the DeLorean is the only Irish car ever produced." we have 3 cars possibly at this point COME ON NORTH TEXAS I know we can do better than that since my records show at least 50 cars in this area. Please call us at 214-522-8436 day 214-522-1868 night E-mail at Dloreanboy@xxxx Bobby Mims call us your e-mail doesn't go through! Volkswagon wants to enter 25 Beetles in the parade What does a beetle have to do with an Irish St. Pat's Parade? I would rather see 25 D's and so would the 100K plus people that attend plus the TV coverage would be Great! I must know # of cars,people/children/Pets as soon as possible so passes can be issued to get into the staging areas. This is a BIG PARADE!