[DML] Re: BTTF DeLoreans and other DeLoreans of note.
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[DML] Re: BTTF DeLoreans and other DeLoreans of note.

	As keeper of the DOD, I have no listings for any of the BTTF
cars. However, if information can be obtained on them, those and other
noteable DeLoreans (such as the only 'factory' turbo, the gold cars, and
cars once (or still) owned by famous people) would make a great web page
addition to the DMCnews website. If everyone would like to try tacking
down the info I'll be happy to compile it. It would be even better if we
could include background information and photos on the cars.

> These are still kept, at universal cities (i am pretty sure) 
> and i believe 
> that the VIN to the one in the first films was #6475 (i may 
> be wrong, so please correct me)
> Jay
> (VIN# Not Yet)

Ken Montgomery	Sacramento, CA VIN #10911 'OUTTIME'
http://www.jps.net/arkham/delorean01.htm mailto:kenm@xxxx
Northern California DeLorean Motor Club
Keeper of the DeLorean Owners Directory
http://www.dmcnews.com mailto:directory@xxxx

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