[DML] Re: History Channel Documentory
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[DML] Re: History Channel Documentory

Claude wrote:
I have read most of the books that are out there on the DMC >Blunder,and again, JZD was the the person who was used to living a >lavish lifestyle (as he still Does,look at his present estate)

Mr. DeLorean's present estate in Bedminster,NJ, was bought before he started DMC. Lavish lifestyle? Well, he has declared bankruptcy so as to protect his house and so that he can live there...Now who wouldn't have done that?

for example there was no reason for a startup company for JZD to fly >first class on the Concord back and forth from New York to Britain,

AFAIK, Mr. DeLorean was in Northern Ireland two times.

or buy $50,000 paintings for his Park Ave.offices(or even to have a >very expensive office on Park Ave.,

Well, you may have a point here, but DeLorean's point was to be noticed. You don't start up a new car company living in barracks. This style is of course expensive, yet essential in getting investors to invest.

or throw big money at Lotus Engineering,only for them,to "throw >away"the ERM process of making the car,and then Lotus just >"cheapened" the Delorean by coping their Lotus Esprit,

The ERM process was only patented but never tried out. Therefore DMC went for the Lotus solution - cheaper, and proven! Imagine what could happen if ERM was chosen and didn't work. The company would have gone out of business at once...

Sure the British Government knew money was being spent,but JZD,just >like Mal.Bricklin were "Confidence Men" meaning that they could sell >you the shirt off your back,and you would think you were getting a >great bargain that was the kind of attitude that was present with
the British Gov.They figured that they could get a area that was war
torn,with a very high unemployment rate,and religious difference and >get the people working together and, make a profit at the same time >to boot,but again Delorean had a great idea at first,but he still >had that GM attitude,spend,spend spend,and don't worry about the >bills,his idea was that if he spent enough the British Gov.would >have to much invested in the DMC project to back off,because you >must remember it is Very difficult to get any Major Government >involved in a private enterprise,but when they do WATCH OUT,they go >full speed ahead,and that is exactly what happened with the
British Gov.they were dazzled by JZD and he played his cards as far >as he could,until his blunder finally fell thru.

You have some points here, but again, this is only half the story. The British Government (Conservatives) REFUSED to give DeLorean export-financing while every other manufacturer gets that whether they make tooth-brushes or steam-engines. To quote Thatcher "You're on your own!" Besides, I think there is more...the Conservatives couldnt allow Labour to have success with the DeLorean project... It cost the British Taxpayer a lot more to close the factory than it would have cost to keep the company afloat a few months more...

As I see it DeLorean did only one mistake, and that was that the company was too slow to get to the other markets, esp. the European market. The car was a winner, and when recession set in in the US, the European market could have swallowed those "extra" cars that piled up...

Best wishes
Stian Birkeland


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