[DML] Re: BTTF DeLoreans
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[DML] Re: BTTF DeLoreans

Scott asked:
>Does anyone know what happened to the DeLoreans used in the "Back To 
>Future" films? Where they kept, sold scrapped? And what Vin Numbers 
did they 

I'm not online currently but I know that alot of this information is in 
the archives, both on eGroups and also some was dealt with in the 
archives at http://www.dmcnews.com ... check with your searches for 
"BTTF" and "Universal Studios" -- Specifically I'd check the 10/13/97 
issue or around that time frame on the DmC News site :-) I don't 
remember whether the vin numbers are available on the list archives tho 

Josh S.
vin: Not yet ... 
Mother told me to be good, but she's been wrong before.

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