Well, Silly me, I thought I wasn't affected by the recent conversations regarding insurance, especially since I have had the same agent/insurance carrier for 15 years covering my 5 cars (and a boat or travel trailer). ISSUE: I purchased $400 for an annual "Collector-car" coverage with $50 deductible for both comp/collision. Which required 2500 miles or less a year, every driver must have 10 years experience, car must be stored in house garage. PROBLEM: I get a letter from the underwriter dept of State Farm that says they will only honor the original agreement for 30 days, that my comp and collision deductible will become $1000 / 20%. I immediately called my agent who was very apologetic, but couldn't resolve. REMARK: When getting insurance make sure the underwriter is contacted by the agent BEFORE you buy the car and GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING. Be aware of this 20% added LOSS. For example, for math purposes say my car (81 5-speed #2839 - 5,037 miles) is appraised for $26,000 and was unfortunately stolen. My agent said this is the most likely "total loss". Then my check from State Farm will ONLY be $20,000 on a $26,000 car. (while they have been collecting premiums on the higher value). I was told this would continue even when I convert it to regular insurance to allow my two son to drive it. $26,000 <$1,000> = $25,000 <25000x20% or $5,000> = $20,000. QUESTION: Anyone out there who has REGULAR insurance with a lower deductible please contact me directly. Sincerely Paul C. Hart SITE Testing - Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Email: paul.hart@xxxx <mailto:paul.hart@xxxx> Phone: 1 (415) 636-8741 Mail: SF101MNT - 11 - 151 Text Page : 1 (888) 798-8763 WARNING: All e-mail sent to this address will be received by the Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. corporate e-mail system and is subject to archival and review by someone other than the recipient.