The answer to the question that someone posted asking is there molds left for the underbodies,,,,the answer is YES,,,,,,A friend of mine and I took massive amounts of pictures and video of this,,,,Last June he and I talked to Steven and he let us go up to the warehouse just to look around ourselves,,,of course there was two people there that work for Steven that was taking orders and shipping parts,,,after looking around the beautiful bunch of parts we decided to see what else we could get into and went down a few floors,,,,,the SENATOR,,,,being a good bullshiter got us out of trouble and actually got us a private tour of the molds by a strange little guard,,,this is a story in itself,,,how we found them we were of course where we probably weren't suppose to be and behind a fake wall there they sat,,,on a floor all alone,,,,a set for the top and a set for the bottom,,,,,,I don't know of course why these things were actually hidden but who knows,,,,and another story of our little trip before we saw the molds we were down in the basement of this place and there along with a Jag and another car I can't remember, is a DeLorean,,,dirty and in bad shape,,,,,there were some gauges on the knee pad that were extra and right below the vin plate there was another little plate,,,,I took a pic of this but the flash made it unreadable,,,I can't remember what it was,,,if anyone knows please share, I did manage to take a pic of the gauges on the knee pad right below the dash,,,don't know if an individual did this or this was something from the factory that they were adding,,,,to add to the mold story,,the guard told us that he had heard that the floor that the molds sat on was to be the assembly line,,,because they wanted to assemble the remaining parts into cars and sell them,,,in fact there are documents to which I wish I had copies that Marvin C. was looking for a company to make the stainless steal panels after they used up the remaining stock,,and of course we all know that this didn't come to pass,, hope you enjoyed this little story,,,,,,if anyone doesn't believe me about the molds,,,,I have many pics to prove the story, Take care fellow D lovers, J.B.Vincent Vin: 16709 Plate: DMC-12