Answers inserted into your note following ###: > I purchased my 1981 Delorean in 1989 . . . >The Delorean is starting to leak oil and black fluid (transmission fluid?). ###Can be engine oil, trans oil or clutch fluid - have you checked the clutch reservoir? >The clutch is starting to chatter and I just noticed last week that the tach RPMs will increase(on the freeway) without any increase in speed. ###Sounds like a clutch, but whether its worn or oily the answer is the same. >I can't believe that I need a new clutch but all the symtoms are there. I store this car in the garage and only drive it every other month (sometimes). ###Age will wear out a car just like mileage. Have you ever changed the trans and/or clutch fluid? Replaced the clutch slave cylinder? >As I live in San Diego, California, it is 150 miles to the nearest Delorean repair shops (i.e. Delorean One). ###You are fortunate. Thos of us in the midwest have a lot farther to go. I have heard of people having regular trans shops do this, it's really not a very hard job. I'd try Delorean Motor Center in Garden Grove - about 60 miles closer to you, but quite a backlog of work. >I would prefer to have the clutch replaced locally as I have to trailer the car (ugh!). Please let me know if the clutch can be replaced by a transmission repair shop or does it require special tools or parts. ###Nothing special, but do you trust just anyone with that car? Things to watch out for are knuckleheads that grind the locating pins off the flywheel. >I probably need new seals, etc. I would appreciate any information I can get on this subject. Is the transmission Renault? Is is a special clutch? ###Readily available. I'd have the rear main seal, T/O bearing, and clutch slave replaced at the same time. >What is a reasonable price for the clutch replacement? ###See the DMC web page, all prices are similar, about $300 + labor from DMC places. There are alledgedly crossovers but I don't know them. For everything you're probably looking at $1000 to have someone do it. >Why did the clutch start slipping in the first place? Help!!!!! ###It probably got oily. Maybe a bad rear main seal or leaking clutch slave. A leaking rear seal will not usually hurt the clutch, it just makes a mess under the car, but a leaking slave can drip in that area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ home: - Simplifying group communications
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