<006201be89b2$7e2831e0$6300a8c-@matt> wrote: Original Article: http://www.egroups.com/list/dmcnews/?start=51 > Has anyone ever taken their Delorean on a long road trip (ie. 10-12 hours)? How does it drive over long distances? Did you enjoy it or was it a huge mistake? How reliable was your car? > > Matt > My longest trip was from Chicago to the event in Cincinnati last year. No big problem, other then the necessity of having my wife follow along in a van to bring luggage and the rest of the family. A long trip implies that you have to Bring Stuff, and there isn't much room for Lots of Stuff in a Delorean. Seat comfort is a strange thing, sometimes I can go for hours, sometimes after 45 minutes I can hardly stand up and get out. More the fault of my back than the car. Reliability depends on the individual car. If you neglect it or only fix things as the break, a 10-hour drive will certainly wring out many of the latent defects. As has been stated, these cars are now 18 years old, and reliability is much more dependent on condition and maintenance than design at this point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/dmcnews Free Web-based e-mail groups by eGroups.com