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There are 17 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re: Fascias
From: "skipper landry" <sk1pper@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
2. Collector's insurance
From: Jack The Stripper <motti@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
3. Re: Car Shows
From: deloreanss@xxxxxxx
4. Re: Car Shows
From: milestwo@xxxxxxx
5. Re: Car Shows
From: "Rick" <delorean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
6. Dies at stoplights
From: "dmczr1" <dmczr1@xxxxxxxxx>
7. Re: Car Shows
From: Todd Masinelli <tmasin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
8. Re: Car Shows
From: iznodmad@xxxxxxx
9. Car for sale in Central New York -- Concourse Quality
From: "Jack & Virginia Stiefel" <stiefel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
10. Re: Car Shows
From: "Payne" <bpayne@xxxxxxxxxx>
11. Re: Twin Turbo Delorean 4 sale
From: "David Swingle" <dswingle@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
12. Legend Twin Turbo
From: "Jack Singer" <jsinger@xxxxxxx>
13. RE: Car Shows
From: "Jack Stiefel" <stiefel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
14. Re: Fascias
From: srubano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
15. Rear de-mister switch
From: "Paul Salsbury" <paul.salsbury@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
16. Re: Twin Turbo Delorean 4 sale
From: Dick Ryan <deloreanbiker@xxxxxxxxx>
17. Re: Twin Turbo Delorean 4 sale
From: delorean502@xxxxxxxxxx
Message: 1
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 22:50:18 -0500
From: "skipper landry" <sk1pper@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Fascias
(Moderator's comments: There doesn't seem to be anything new regarding the construction of stainless facias except personal notes back and forth at this point. Obviously they will reduce or eliminate any low speed impact resistance but there are a few who think the all stainless look would be something worth persuing regardless. In any regard, until there is more to add for the group I'd encourage private converstaions with skipper and the rest. I'm killing the subject for now.)
actually, i hadnt thought of that! see thats why i put it out for a round
table! i think we can come up with something that looks great and is very
functual! ill look into it! thanks.
Message: 2
Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2001 23:21:08 -0400
From: Jack The Stripper <motti@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Collector's insurance
I'm new to the list, I'm hoping to get a DeLorean soon. I am 22 years
old. Does anyone know of any classic car insurance companies that don't
require the owner/driver to be either at least 25 years old or have at
least 5 years driving experience?
Also does anyone have any advice where to get a loan when you have very
little credit history like me?
Does anyone have, or know of, a good-condition DeLorean for sale at a
good price?
Can anyone reccomend where to rent a garage to keep the car in?
"I'll tell you what to think,
I don't care what you thought!"
--"Mastermind" (Cryptic Writings)
by Megadeth (Mustaine)
Message: 3
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 00:38:54 EDT
From: deloreanss@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Car Shows
Jason, as far as car show etiquette, I am not sure about putting yellow tape
across your door. I have seen cars set off by ropes at VW shows but those are
usually the biggest interest cars of the show. I don't know if that would
come across as being pretentious or not. But as far as the VIN #'s go, the
reason for the huge difference in digits is that the series is different. All
81 VINs were of the 0+4digit variety. 82's were the 10,000 series starting
with 1+4digits, and 83's were the 20,000 series with 2+4digits.
John Weaver
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 4
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 01:22:37 EDT
From: milestwo@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Car Shows
Putting a yellow tape across the doors to keep the people out is really being
extra nice. Mine has been in several local shows and I have not been bashful
about telling them to get out. When somebody asks if they can sit in that is
a different story, having several collector cars to show around in the summer
I don't feel bad to run out the one's that don't ask, it's just rude off
them, this encludes one judge that just made him self at home in my car, he
was escorted out of the car and asked not to come close to it again. Sure
scored a lot of points that day but that's life. I like your idea of tape
across the door, a good and cheep idea.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 5
Date: Sat, 04 Aug 2001 10:55:56 -0000
From: "Rick" <delorean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Car Shows
Our DeLorean was on display once at a community festival in western
Sydney. On a couple of occasions I had to tell people not to sit in
the car, so I wouldn't blame ya if you wanted to rope off your
During the day when our car was on display, two teenagers even jumped
in the D and started playing with the shifter and the controls and
stuff. I told 'em politely to get out, but it was quite annoying at
the end of the day to turn on the car and find the wipers and
indicators all on! So I guess I'll just stick to taking the DeLorean
to regular car shows where spectators know how to behave.
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, "Jason Rowe" <rowejj@xxxx> wrote:
> I got a question for everyone. After a year of
ownership I finally started taking my car to car shows.
> I've only been to 3 so far, 2 were actual car shows themselves and
one was a car show at street festival
> type event so there was a lot of people there not just for the car
show. My problem/questiom is since one
> of the unique things about the car is the doors abviously so I
leave them up but what I found is that people
> are not that respectful about cars when your at a festival and not
just a car show itself. I had 3 people help
> themselves to sit inside my car even with the Please Look but Don't
Touch sign in the window. I'm not sure
> if I want to take it to another event like that or not. So my
question is has anyone else had this happen and
> would it be considered "rude" or "stuck up" or something like that
if I was to maybe put something like
> yellow caution tape across the door opening to try and keep people
out or what? Does anyone else do anything
> like this?
> On a side note, I was surprised to see another DeLorean
at my last car show. It was a Dec. '81 build (2 months
> after mine) but the VIN number was 10403. Mine is 05903. Would this
other one be a Canadian Model or what?
> Why the large difference in VIN's? I asked the guy if he was on the
list but he said he wasn't so I tried to encourage
> him to join. He might be on here by now.
> Jason
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 6
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 08:33:15 -0600
From: "dmczr1" <dmczr1@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Dies at stoplights
#10901 has developed an idling problem this last month. When I put in the
clutch and roll to a stop, the idle drops and the motor dies.
I remember the old carburated cars had a solenoid next to the carburator
that would hold the idle high for a couple of seconds when the throtle was
closed, is there something like this on a fuel injected system that should
be holding the idle up for a couple of seconds when the gas pedal is
Also, it looks like the battery has bit the dust, guess I'll be going to
look for a new one today, any recommendations?
Jack Janney
Message: 7
Date: Sat, 04 Aug 2001 10:43:34 -0500
From: Todd Masinelli <tmasin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Car Shows
> I had 3 people help themselves to sit inside my car [snip]
> has anyone else had this happen and would it be considered
> "rude" or "stuck up" or something like that if I was to maybe put
> something like yellow caution tape across the door opening
Considering you're the owner, and that you've probably spent a lot of time
and money on your car, and that you've had problems in the past with people
overstepping their bounds, I think you've got every right to do anything you
want with your car short of chaining guard dogs to it. There is *never* a
time when it's okay for a stranger to sit in your car without asking you
first, festival or no festival. If yellow tape is what it takes for people
to be respectful, go for it.
Personally, I've never had this problem...but then again, I usually offer to
let people sit in my DeLorean. I figure giving a kid the rare chance to
interact with the Back to the Future car outweighs any amount of dirt he/she
might track onto my expensive floormats.
I usually do have a problem with people wanting to touch the stainless.
Then again, once they find out that a DeLorean that has sat in the sun for
two hours is basically a giant frying pan, they don't try to touch it again.
Todd Masinelli
VIN 6681 (Nov 81)
Message: 8
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 11:51:18 EDT
From: iznodmad@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Car Shows
I have had my D at so many car shows that I have lost count. I too
have had the problem of people helping themselves to the driver's seat
without asking, and I too resist being "stuck up" by putting anything in the
way of someone getting in. I see no pattern of disrespect when it comes to
shows vs festivals. Anywhere you go there will be someone who will do
whatever they please to your car without asking. I have made the habit of
just closing the doors if I am away from it and just keeping a close eye on
the car when I am near it with the doors up. If someone asks nicely (which
is most of the time) and I show them correctly how to get in and out of the
car without damaging anything, then I don't have a problem with someone
sitting in my car. Hopefully another list member will inform all of us to a
nice alternative.
As far as the VIN is concerned you just hit on one of my favorite
areas of research for the DeLorean. The 1981 model year spans from VIN
500-7199. It is quite possible that some numbers were skipped. The 1982
model year began at VIN 10001, which explains the large gap between the
numbers you noticed, even though it was only a 2 month difference. I
encourage you to read up on the VIN chronology and production numbers
information that is on the DMCNews website. As far as Canadian models are
concerned there were a few cars produced in the 17000 range. I believe the
theory on the numbers skipping was due to the fact that the plant would start
and stop production of the cars and during the "dead" periods of no
production, VINs were skipped. Someone please correct me if I am wrong. I
am a little rusty on my VIN history right now ;-)
Darren Decker
VIN 05000
NC lic: 1981 DMC
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 9
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 12:13:50 -0400
From: "Jack & Virginia Stiefel" <stiefel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Car for sale in Central New York -- Concourse Quality
I have a friend in my area who has an almost concourse D for sale. Here is
what he has said:
The car is a 1981 with a VIN No. of 5757 It has approximately 22,000
original miles. The car is all original except for the radio. Its a 5
speed. The car has all current updates done. I have all paperwork to go
with the car, Original window sticker, bill of sale, work orders etc. I
also have a custom car cover,parts and repair manuals as well.
The car has always been stored winters and garaged during the driving
I bought it with approximately 15,000 miles on it and have put between
500-1,000 miles per season on it to keep it in working order.
With respect to the radio, what he told me was he replaced the original
Craig with an aftermarket one that fit the dash cavity with no cutting.
Further he said the new radio was the correct size for the original Craig
cover and buttons to be used. All in all it should look almost stock.
He also has the original NCT's on the car!!! I have inspected the outside
myself and it looks great indeed.
Asking $18,000.00 OBO
Email me privately if you have any questions on this fine car, or if you
want to see pictures I have orm him.
Jack & Virginia Stiefel
1981 DeLorean Vin 03461 August 1981 Build NYS Lic: 1981 DMC
1997 Red BMW Z3 Convertible 6 cyl
1999 Ford Expedition 4x4 Eddie Bauer Edition
2001 Black PT Cruiser Limited w/ Flames
Win FREE stuff and receive your own FREE email address at
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 10
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 20:06:54 -0700
From: "Payne" <bpayne@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Car Shows
I have had my car in a couple of shows here in my town, and nobody has been
so disrespectful as to help themselves into it. Of course everyone has to
immediately place huge handprints all over it as they walk by, but I have no
problem letting people sit in it if they ask. I would first suggest having
a couple of more obvious signs placed conspicuously on the seat or the door
sill. I love to see DeLoreans at shows and I'd hate for a few people to
sour your experience.
Although I'm always willing to let people sit in my car, I almost had a
conniption at the last show. I was talking to a man with two small children
and they asked if they could sit in it. Well his little girl began jumping
up and down on the passenger seat, then stomped on my power window switches
to vault herself over the center tunnel. She then continued jumping up and
down on my drivers seat while yanking on the shifter. After the father
hauled her out, his son began opening and slamming my doors extremely hard.
He then noticed my engine cover open and began yanking on it in frustration
when it wouldn't close. And I'm sure you all know how weak that little
slide block is to hold it open. I couldn't believe it didn't break. I'm a
little more wary about children but I don't like being a jerk when it comes
to my car.
My problem/questiom is since one
> of the unique things about the car is the doors abviously so I leave them
up but what I found is that people
> are not that respectful about cars when your at a festival and not just a
car show itself. I had 3 people help
> themselves to sit inside my car even with the Please Look but Don't Touch
sign in the window.
Message: 11
Date: Sat, 04 Aug 2001 02:35:08 -0000
From: "David Swingle" <dswingle@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Twin Turbo Delorean 4 sale
Depends on your state. Here in IL they don't open the hood or look
under the car. Just rollers and a sniffer. If you live ouside the
metros there is no inspection at all.
Dave Swingle
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, DMCVegas@xxxx wrote:
> True, the PRV could pass emissions testing no problem when it comes
> to exhaust gasses. But, it would fail on the visual inspection when
> the inspector tries to find the catalytic converter.
> -Robert
> vin 6585
> --- In dmcnews@xxxx, Dick Ryan <deloreanbiker@xxxx> wrote:
> <SNIP>
> > Robert - as I am sure you know, the DMC version of the
> > PRV engine is exceptionally clean. Not only that, but
> > a twin turbo'd DMC can easily pass emission testing in
> > most states.
> >
> > Dick Ryan
Message: 12
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 22:17:25 -0400
From: "Jack Singer" <jsinger@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Legend Twin Turbo
There is a car on ebay that says it has the Legend twin turbos...
It was my impression that Legend only built 1 twin and 1 single turbo car?
If it is a true Legend car, isn't the price tooooo cheap when you compare
what Steve is asking for the one in Houston.
Message: 13
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 22:10:19 -0400
From: "Jack Stiefel" <stiefel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Car Shows
Well, in my experience of owning for over 4 years and taking it to many car
shows, I have come to one solution to your problem -- Take it to shows you
know and trust. I have several local cruise in's in my area, about 1 or 2
each day if one wants to go to them all. I have found several good ones
with no problem, but have found some where I saw deeds done to mine and
other cars that would be almost considered vandalizm ( one case a father was
laughing at his son as the little boy was kicking stones at a classic
mustang). I would simply not go back to shows that you have had problems.
Oh also, have you been with your car the whole time? I have found that most
people are a bit more cautious when the owner is right there.
Jack & Virginia Stiefel
'81 DeLorean Vin 03461 Aug.1981 NYS Lic:1981 DMC
'97 Red BMW Z3 Convertible 6 cyl, not the baby 4
'99 Ford Expedition 4x4 Eddie Bauer Edition
'01 Black PT Cruiser Limited w/Flames
Visit us at
-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Rowe [mailto:rowejj@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 8:46 PM
To: DeLorean News
Subject: [DML] Car Shows
I got a question for everyone. After a year of ownership I
finally started taking my car to car shows.
I've only been to 3 so far, 2 were actual car shows themselves and one was a
car show at street festival
type event so there was a lot of people there not just for the car show. My
problem/questiom is since one
of the unique things about the car is the doors abviously so I leave them up
but what I found is that people
are not that respectful about cars when your at a festival and not just a
car show itself. I had 3 people help
themselves to sit inside my car even with the Please Look but Don't Touch
sign in the window. Jason #5903
Message: 14
Date: Sat, 04 Aug 2001 18:11:25 -0000
From: srubano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Fascias
I tried posting before to correct a misunderstanding from my post
regarding the SS fascia's so I'll try again with a short and sweet
post: The 30 MPH test I was refering to is the actual DOT standard
that car manufactures have to test with (crash test). The actual
bumpers themselves should tolerate a 5 MPH bump without any major
damage to any parts of the car.
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, delorean502@xxxx wrote:
> Has anyone seen the crash test videos? Go to Tamirs site and look
> them. There is a video of a delorean getting smashed into a wall
> 30MPH and 40 MPH. Let me just say....there was a little bit of
> damage. Check it out for yourself.
> Erik
> --- In dmcnews@xxxx, fred lockett <delorean_pilot@xxxx> wrote:
> > I agree that SS fascias would be more vulnerable in a
> > crash. However as long as the original bumper pads are
> > used, there should be some protection. Wonder if the D
> > really has protection up to 30 mph anyway. All you
> > really need is protection for parallel parking. Are
> > you planning to use flexible "rubber" material for the
> > black lower portion of the fascia? Fred Lockett
> >
> > __________________________________________________
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> >
Message: 15
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 19:22:12 +0100
From: "Paul Salsbury" <paul.salsbury@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Rear de-mister switch
Hi all
Ping... my rear demister switch just let go!!!!!!!!
looking inside all parts are there just loose and rattleing around. I want to try and fix this Chinese puzzel any clues as to how it goes back together
VIN 6463
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 16
Date: Sat, 4 Aug 2001 11:24:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: Dick Ryan <deloreanbiker@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Twin Turbo Delorean 4 sale
Plus - the newer Turbo Manifold Co. twin turbo kits
come with twin cats.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
--- David Swingle <dswingle@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Depends on your state. Here in IL they don't open
> the hood or look
> under the car. Just rollers and a sniffer. If you
> live ouside the
> metros there is no inspection at all.
> Dave Swingle
> --- In dmcnews@xxxx, DMCVegas@xxxx wrote:
> > True, the PRV could pass emissions testing no
> problem when it comes
> > to exhaust gasses. But, it would fail on the
> visual inspection when
> > the inspector tries to find the catalytic
> converter.
> >
> > -Robert
> > vin 6585
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In dmcnews@xxxx, Dick Ryan
> <deloreanbiker@xxxx> wrote:
> > <SNIP>
> > > Robert - as I am sure you know, the DMC version
> of the
> > > PRV engine is exceptionally clean. Not only
> that, but
> > > a twin turbo'd DMC can easily pass emission
> testing in
> > > most states.
> > >
> > > Dick Ryan
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Message: 17
Date: Sat, 04 Aug 2001 18:29:56 -0000
From: delorean502@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Twin Turbo Delorean 4 sale
Here in Michigan we don't have inspections! whooo hooo!
--- In dmcnews@xxxx, DMCVegas@xxxx wrote:
> True, the PRV could pass emissions testing no problem when it comes
> to exhaust gasses. But, it would fail on the visual inspection when
> the inspector tries to find the catalytic converter.
> -Robert
> vin 6585
> --- In dmcnews@xxxx, Dick Ryan <deloreanbiker@xxxx> wrote:
> <SNIP>
> > Robert - as I am sure you know, the DMC version of the
> > PRV engine is exceptionally clean. Not only that, but
> > a twin turbo'd DMC can easily pass emission testing in
> > most states.
> >
> > Dick Ryan
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