Before posting messages or replies, see the posting policy rules at:
To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address:
There are 24 messages in this issue.
Topics in this digest:
1. Re: Comparison (with other DMCs!)
From: Josh Haldeman <haldeman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
2. V-8 Lotus radiator fit a Delorean?
From: cbl302@xxxxxxx
3. Re: Permanent solution for engine cover hinge rust
From: Noah <sitz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
4. Would you recommend a DeLorean automobile?
From: James Espey <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
5. Re: a lurker decloaks - for good reason!
From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx>
6. Re:HELP!!
From: deloreanernst@xxxxxxx
7. Re: WAS Comparison-0-60 times
From: petleech@xxxxxxx
8. Re: Lowering
From: fjk143@xxxxxxx
9. Caravan to the Richmond Va Show Sept 23rd-24th
From: "Vicky Miller" <delo1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
10. Re: Comparison (with other DMCs!)
From: fjk143@xxxxxxx
11. Re: Comparison
From: Jim Strickland <ihaveanaccount@xxxxxxxx>
12. Re: Would you recommend a DeLorean automobile?
From: abatt10347@xxxxxxx
13. Re: Permanent solution for engine cover hinge rust
From: captainscg@xxxxxxx
14. Re: Comparison
From: "BRUCE BENSON" <delornut@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
15. Climate Control Problem
From: John Yeoman <theshovel1224@xxxxxxxxx>
16. Re: Thermostat
From: "DMC Joe" <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
17. Re: Permanent solution for engine cover hinge rust
From: delorean31@xxxxxxx
18. Thermo-time Switch Question
From: "Stian Birkeland" <dmc_norway@xxxxxxxxxxx>
19. Re: Fw: Speedometer cable
From: "Robert Rooney" <dmcvegas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
20. Re:HELP!!
From: "Robert Rooney" <dmcvegas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
21. Re: Thermo-time Switch Question
From: "Robert Rooney" <dmcvegas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
22. Re: Re:HELP!!
From: tahoeray@xxxxxxx
23. Re: CONCOURS DMC-and #001 Bricklin FOR SALE
From: Delorean17@xxxxxxx
24. DeLorean Tires
From: dmcdelorean2@xxxxxxx
Message: 1
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 00:54:34 -0400
From: Josh Haldeman <haldeman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Comparison (with other DMCs!)
Believe it or not, it's true. I'd be happy to demonstrate next time you are in Cincy if
you need proof. I strongly suspect that the Volvo dealership did more than just tune it up
when it went in but I can't for the life of me imagine what it was they changed. All I know
is that the car went in driving just like mine and when it came out, it was blowing away
By the way I tried to have them do the same thing to my DeLorean and when I went to
pick it up they told me that they couldn't figure out why it was so slow, so they just
adjusted the gas pedal so I would have more travel. After rolling around on the floor
laughing for awhile, I realized they were serious! @#$%!! I had Bauerle adjust my clutch out
from the floor a year ago, so now my pedals are all over the place in terms of height. The
clutch doesn't make any difference because you use your other foot to operate it, but going
from the gas to the brake and having to reposition your foot to make the brake work can be
kinda' scary at first. I've gotten used to it though.
I'm serious about the invitation to try out Dad's car if you want to stop by someday. I
want to know what's going on just as badly as you do. I have this fear that the added power
is deteriorating his engine quicker but so far he hasn't had any trouble. (knock on wood)
VIN 5102
VIN 15964
DMC Joe wrote:
> Josh,
> Yes, I think we can agree that the DeLorean may be a little quicker than many imagine but:
> "..... now I can burn rubber in all gears" ???
> "We're here to help you"
> DMC Help / De Lorean Services / <dmchelp@xxxxxxx>
> Web Site: <>
Message: 2
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 06:01:02 -0000
From: cbl302@xxxxxxx
Subject: V-8 Lotus radiator fit a Delorean?
Does anybody know if a v-8 lotus esprit radiator will fit in a
Delorean,or even the older 4 cylinder turbo radiator.
Message: 3
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 03:17:36 -0400 (EDT)
From: Noah <sitz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Permanent solution for engine cover hinge rust
On Fri, 1 Sep 2000 aabclafon@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Could not load the website that Mark suggested
> Is this the correct address?
Nope. Sorry, I meant to send out a correction.
<voice value="geek">
The first part of any URL (like the above) is the name of the
server from which you are requesting a page. Everything after the 3rd
slash (the one after the ".com" in most of the sites we go to) is just a
path to a file. Underscores in server names (in this case, the
'' part) are /illegal/. If you
see 'em, the person handing you the URL messed up (unless we're speaking
of an NT intranet, in which case all bets are off. But that's windows,
which means all bets are off. :D ). So I took a guess that all underscores
should be replaced by hyphens. Which is fine, except multiple adjacent
hyphens are also verboten, as are having hyphens adjecnt to a '.'. So we
kill the dupe and the one next to the dot, and get the following URL:
Yes, I do this for a living. Betcha couldn't tell, huh? :)
VIN #2867 (somewhere in the bowels of DMC Houston ATM)
my $blame = shift;
Message: 4
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 01:41:03 -0600
From: James Espey <james@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Would you recommend a DeLorean automobile?
Epinions wants to know...the only currently listed recommendation is
flattering to the car, but lacking substance. Perhaps the DML would
like to remedy that?
James Espey
DeLorean Motor Company
Houston, Texas
Message: 5
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 01:21:06 -0400
From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: a lurker decloaks - for good reason!
Congrats David...
The Wannabe Deloran Owners Association looses another member. What part of
the country (or world for that matter) are you in?
Walt Tampa, FL
-----Original Message-----
From: David Cox <dmcox@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: dmcnews <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2000 4:20 PM
Subject: [DML] a lurker decloaks - for good reason!
>It's official - after many months of lurking in the shadows here (and
learning much - thanks to all for the valuable info), I now have a Delorean
sitting in my garage. Mine, mine, mine!!! It's an 83, manual, gray
interior, with BAE turbo and 44600 miles on the odometer. There are a
number of small things for me to fiddle with, but no more than you'd expect
in a car of this age, less actually. It's in great shape and I'm thrilled
to have it. The only bad news is that I'm leaving on a long-planned
vacation, so I got to start my ownership by driving it home and leaving it
sit in my garage for 2 weeks.
>David M. Cox (DMC ;)
>vin #16367
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>Before posting messages or replies, see the posting policy rules at:
>To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address:
Message: 6
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 08:31:04 EDT
From: deloreanernst@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re:HELP!!
In a message dated 8/31/00 4:26:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, dmc1219@xxxxxxx
<< Someone pulled too hard & the cable broke at the latch. Fortunately, this
is an early '81 with the gas flap. >>
I've got D World, with the hidden mini cable backup. I've even seen it on an
'81 I was looking into buying. But that was dreamed up in the gas flap era.
Anybody used that fix on a non-flap vehicle? I tried sticking my big
ape-sized (according to a friend) hand in there for size, and "it don't fit,
Message: 7
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 09:01:12 EDT
From: petleech@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: WAS Comparison-0-60 times
My car does seem a bit on the slow side, not because its a DeLorean but
because their's probably something wrong i.e. acceleration enrichment
circuit. Timing my 0-60 times the fastest I hvae gone seems to be around 10
seconds. I am getting extremely good gas mileage and the car runs well except
for the fact the idle always hunts. I have a few questions- What are other
owners with Manual Transmissions getting their car from 0-60 in? Also what
could cause the idle to hunt so badly, it is intermittent and has no pattern
to it. If the car warms up it makes no difference?
Message: 8
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 10:04:08 EDT
From: fjk143@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Lowering
The "front end only" logic provided by Gary Gore is the same I was given by
Steve Wynne at DMC Houston. The front ride height was a last minute design
change due to changing bumper regs - otherwise we'd already have cars that
resembled a Lotus Turbo Esprit (which ain't a bad thing!). I am planning on
having Steve lower mine as well.
Message: 9
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 10:00:55 -0400
From: "Vicky Miller" <delo1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Caravan to the Richmond Va Show Sept 23rd-24th
Any one in the Durham-Raleigh North Carolina area going to the Richmond Va
run in September please let us know.. ....Trying to get a Group together
to travel with
havent set a time to leave yet... so we are pretty open to every ones
please email Privately
at delo1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Rob Grady will be there for a tech session
hopeing to break the 28 delorean record from the past.....
if you need hotel info..I have that too....
Message: 10
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 10:06:22 EDT
From: fjk143@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Comparison (with other DMCs!)
Good point Joe - my 911 turbo can't burn riubber in all gears as the torque
just isn't there. The last time I heard that comment was relative to a big
block Shelby Cobra.
Message: 11
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 18:51:58 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jim Strickland <ihaveanaccount@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Comparison
I'd believe that I'm irritating people.... :)
Unfortunately, MIKE!, I DO have a Delorean, #1537. I just recently saw it
on EBAY, and since my eyes are just as large as my pockets are deep, I
figured I NEEDED it and bought it, cash, for $8200...
It was represented as 'runs well, drives well'. I asked a thousand specific
questions, some of which were ingored, some of which were just answered
'Issues' to be resolved before shipping (it was in FL, I'm in RI)
were neglected, and a week later it was in my garage.... Main problems I
found were a leaking oil problem, an extremely stiff clutch, and an
electrical wreck in the relay compartment (fire included!, oh yippee!)
It's been painted black, the front and rear fascias show minor damage from
2-3 fender benders... nothing you'd see unless you're looking for them. I
figure for what it'd cost to return this car to stainless/stock, I could
just as easily put in a rotary engine w/ 255HP (and it'd be cheaper..). For
this particular car, I think the resale increases more with a beefier
engine, becuase there's always some stupid kid out there that'll want the
same cool car with a little more kick. It's not worth the $$ to make this
car concours material.....
The lesson learned here: TRUST NO ONE! I was unfortunate enough to not be
able to find anyone to inspect the car- maybe I should have asked here on
the list, Walt (?) in Tampa could have checked it out, duh. Anyways, to
those out looking to purchase, keep in mind that there are many many people,
either out of ignorance or outright evilness will tell you lies about the
car you're looking to buy.
Long story short, I'll be looking into legal action, which is really never
very pretty, especially now with the internet!
ok MIKE?!
DMC JOE- I wouldn't call my car peppy by any means.. I have an '87 MR2 that
runs 0-60 in the 8+ second range, I wouldn't expect it to be as quick as
that car, though... As for 'beating' 80-90% of other cars out there, I don't
think that means much becuase nobody races anymore!!! at least not around
here- I beat 80-90% of the cars with my 63HP CRX HF! I'll check into fuel
issues, thanks for the heads up...
Oh, and that other clown who thinks he outrightly beat a amateur racer in a
911, for goodness sakes, stop saying things like that, you're making
yourself look silly!
:P 1537
Message: 12
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 11:55:30 EDT
From: abatt10347@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Would you recommend a DeLorean automobile?
In a message dated 9/2/00 10:34:45 AM Central Daylight Time, james@xxxxxxxxxx
<< >>
I agree with James in his review of the above link, however not all 81's and
a few 82's had the openable gas flap. A small mistake, otherwise the review
was on target!
Bruce Battles
Vin # 06569
Message: 13
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 12:03:23 EDT
From: captainscg@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Permanent solution for engine cover hinge rust
Hey guys, the Delorean steel products company is, apparently, a German
company. I stumbled upon it by accident. I simply typed in the web site
address that they provided. I saved it in my favorite files and will forward
it to you if I can. Again, the company does offer a stainless steel louver
panel for Deloreans.
Message: 14
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 11:22:04 -0500
From: "BRUCE BENSON" <delornut@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Comparison
This debate is probably as old as the twenty year old DeLorean. Most of the
input seems to dwell on zero to sixty times as the benchmark for a
performance car. One contributor seems disgruntled after buying a tired
DeLorean without a proper inspection. Another is saying a Volvo dealer
performed some magic that would seem physicaly impossible. What ever, no one
has entered real world performance profiles that make for an overall
evaulation of a cars abilities. When I was a teenager I attended a few Indy
500 races. In 1961 the race was dominated exclusively by front engine
roadsters with powerful Novi and Offenhauser engines. Jack Brabham brought a
rear engined Cooper Climax, with an engine half the size of the Indy power
houses, to compete. We were camped in an area along side of the race track,
which you could do in those days, along with many old timer Indy folks. They
laughed among themselves for days about the futility of this guy and his
midget car. Brabham came in seventh of thirty three entrants and two years
later Jim Clark won with a Ford powered rear engined Lotus thereby changing
the profile of Indy racing forever. There's more to performance than brute
horsepower. A small group of us DeLorean owners have run in some "spirited
touring" of the track at Road America. I can tell you for a fact that I've
seen a DeLorean beat a early 80's Porsche 911 with-in a couple of laps and
come out of turn 14 ahead. Of course the DeLorean doesn't accelerate like a
big bore V-8 but it handles better than given credit for and if driven
properly can hold it's own with other touring cars under "semi-race"
conditions. The tone for this comparison debate seems to be picking up
argumentative overtones and perhaps we should get back to discussing what we
appreciate about this car instead.
Bruce Benson
Message: 15
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 10:50:47 -0700 (PDT)
From: John Yeoman <theshovel1224@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Climate Control Problem
Hey List, I have a problem with not just the a/c, but
the heater and the vent, and every other selection on
the mode switch. I have no air coming out any of my
vents on any fan speeds. I do however have air coming
out from somewhere under the dash, and I hear the
blower come on and change speeds when I turn the fan
speed switch. The air that is coming out from under
the dash changes temperature when I go from heater to
a/c, and I replaced the mode switch a few years ago
because when I would turn to heat I'd get a/c, and
vice wersa, so I'd guess this is not caused by a
defective mode switch. Am I correct? Would this be
most likely caused by a blower blowing the wrong
direction? Thanks in advance.
John Yeoman
With a/c, but not in the right place :)
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!
Message: 16
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 13:58:19 -0400
From: "DMC Joe" <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Thermostat
The item that you are referring to does not show up in my crossover book but if it is specified for the Volvo V-6 it should work in the DeLorean.
"We're here to help you"
DMC Help / De Lorean Services / <dmchelp@xxxxxxx>
Web Site: <>
----- Original Message -----
From: Delorean17@xxxxxxx
To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 10:19 PM
Subject: [DML] Thermostat
Hey List,
I am almost done with my car. just have to throw the interior back in
next week. Doing a few last touches right now. I planned to replace the
Thermostat because I want everything to work properly. NAPA didnt have
DeLorean in there book but gave me a thermostat to a 1981 Volvo V-6 and said
bring it back tomorrow if it doesnt fit. before I tear it apart to put it in
I want to know if it will fit. the part is NAPA HEAVY DUTY THERMOSTAT #280.
It is made by wahler and made in West Germany. will this fit? I would have
bought a thermostat from DMC Joe or Grady like usual, but I need this done
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Message: 17
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 14:12:00 EDT
From: delorean31@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Permanent solution for engine cover hinge rust
I have seen the German site offering the Stainless Steel louvers as mentioned
here recently. Obviously the louvers rusting is not a problem since they are
not metal. Of course they suffer from their own faults, or more common the
lack of gentleness some use when lowering them down, which causes them to
crack or break. However I still know of no one who has reproduced the engine
cover hinge in stainless, or any other metal for that matter. The hinges are
prone to rust and more common, is that the bolts tack welded to the hinges
break off if you try to tighten them. My hinge had no signs of weather, and
still looked new, but the bolt studs often rust in area where you dont see,
until you try to adjust them. It is the weld that corrodes away in most
cases before the hinge itself shows signs of weathering. So be careful if
your engine cover starts to loosen and you want to tighten the hinge. The
studs are attached in a fairly weak manner to say the least.
Gary Gore
Activities Director
DeLorean Mid Atlantic
VIN 3360
<< Hey guys, the Delorean steel products company is, apparently, a German
company. I stumbled upon it by accident. I simply typed in the web site
address that they provided. I saved it in my favorite files and will
it to you if I can. Again, the company does offer a stainless steel louver
panel for Deloreans. >>
Message: 18
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 19:30:32 GMT
From: "Stian Birkeland" <dmc_norway@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Thermo-time Switch Question
Hello, I have another problem now. When the garage installed the waterpump
they accidentally broke the two pins on the thermotime switch when it was
connected. Meaning that I had to use pliers to get them out! Im happy to say
that this was successful.
The garages fault of course, they have already ordered a new one. Standard
Bosch part. This is the reason for my cold start problems.
While waiting, I would like to know if you have a quick, temporary fix that
will allow me to drive the car (read:start the car) while Im waiting for
that switch. I should have it within a week or so, but its a long time to
wait esp. if it takes all week...
Is there any way to trigger the switch so as to make the cold start valve
inject a bit of fuel for start up? I folded back the plastic volvo cap on
the connector. Two wires. One of them are blue & black the other one is blue
& yellow.
Best wishes
Stian Birkeland
VIN # 06759
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
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Message: 19
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 19:56:55 -0000
From: "Robert Rooney" <dmcvegas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Fw: Speedometer cable
If the lights on the dash are dim, try cleaning the ground
connections on the wiring harness. Don't know if it would make a
difference, but I have by-passed the rheostat on my car (accidently
destroyed while removing the console) and have installed the bypass
for the center console lights to come on with the headlights only.
Not blinding, but I no longer have to squint to read the binacle.
vin 6585
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx, "Mark Hershey" <dmcinfo@xxxx> wrote:
> DMC uses standard 7/8 speedo drive, according to one of my racing
> who's into gauges in stock cars. Out of curiosity, which did you
pick? I've
> been interested in changing all the gauges to something backlit
(the front
> nightime lighting is dim and rather crude looking for a great car
like the
> D). I have a complete extra cluster from a wrecked D so I don't
have to
> modify my original. Tried to get one of the white face gauge overlay
> manufacturers interested , they have one that uses a 1/16th inch
> electroluminescent panel for lighting. No luck so far.
> \\ Mark
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Matthew P. Olans" <mpolans@xxxx>
> To: <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 11:48 AM
> Subject: [DML] Fw: Speedometer cable
> > Greetings,
> > Have a quick question. I searched the archives for about
an hour
> > this morning to no avail. I have been looking into a digital
> > and think I've found one. The issue is that the current setup is
> > mechanical. Here's the quote from the manufacturer:
> >
> > "We supply a pulse generator that connects to the speedometer
cable or
> cable
> > drive. It can connect to a 7/8" speedometer drive or 5/8" cable
> >
> > My question is: Does anyone know offhand if our speedometer
cable or
> drive
> > is compatible, given this information?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Matthew
> > VIN #10365
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Before posting messages or replies, see the posting policy rules
> >
> >
> > To address comments privately to the moderating team, please
> > moderator@xxxx
> >
> >
Message: 20
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 20:16:53 -0000
From: "Robert Rooney" <dmcvegas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re:HELP!!
What you may want to try is to run the emergency cable thru the same
rubber plug that the existing cable runs thru. Make a loop, put a
handle, or have excess cable on the end so you can grab it to pull.
Then just tape the rest in place against the top/back of the foot
well so it doesn't fall down. This way you have a back up cable, but
you can keep it inside locked up where no one can get to it.
vin 6585
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx, deloreanernst@xxxx wrote:
> In a message dated 8/31/00 4:26:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Someone pulled too hard & the cable broke at the latch.
Fortunately, this
> is an early '81 with the gas flap. >>
> I've got D World, with the hidden mini cable backup. I've even
seen it on an
> '81 I was looking into buying. But that was dreamed up in the gas
flap era.
> Anybody used that fix on a non-flap vehicle? I tried sticking my
> ape-sized (according to a friend) hand in there for size, and "it
don't fit,
> bubba!"
> -Wayne
> 11174
Message: 21
Date: Sat, 02 Sep 2000 20:35:00 -0000
From: "Robert Rooney" <dmcvegas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Thermo-time Switch Question
Only 2 ways I know of get the cold start valve to fire manually. One
would be to install a hot start realy, but I would NOT reccomend that
you install one for a cold start problem. As DMC Joe advised me it
can pose a SERIOUS FIRE HAZARD if the relay is installed and the
engine is cranked for more then 18-20 seconds. If you did use it,
more then likely what it would do to a cold engine would be this:
You'd crank the engine, then after a couple of seconds it would
start. As soon as you let go and the key sprung back into the "ON"
position, the engine would rev up and then die in abour 4-5 seconds.
The hot start relay is only active durring starting, and cannont
supply the extra fuel the engine needs to warm up. A better soultion
would be to swap the plugs between the control pressure regulator and
the cold start valve. This can get you up and running alot quicker,
and is a little safer. Instructions are located in the technical
library section of the DMC News website.
vin 6585
--- In dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx, "Stian Birkeland" <dmc_norway@xxxx> wrote:
> While waiting, I would like to know if you have a quick, temporary
fix that
> will allow me to drive the car (read:start the car) while Im
waiting for
> that switch. I should have it within a week or so, but its a long
time to
> wait esp. if it takes all week...
> Is there any way to trigger the switch so as to make the cold start
> inject a bit of fuel for start up? >
Best wishes
> Stian Birkeland
> Norway
> VIN # 06759
> Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
> Share information about yourself, create your own public profile at
Message: 22
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 17:45:17 EDT
From: tahoeray@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Re:HELP!!
I ran a wire (old bicycle brake cable) from the latch to a bolt up by the gas
cap I left a little slack, so that it is about 2 in from the edge of the
hood. I then made a simple tool. "a rod bent in to a j hook" with the hood
shut I can slide the hook in, catch the cable and pull, the tool fit nicely
in tool roll that I keep behind the seat. I works great. I had to use it
once. thank God it was there. I also installed one on the engine compartment.
Message: 23
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 18:41:57 EDT
From: Delorean17@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: CONCOURS DMC-and #001 Bricklin FOR SALE
Hello List,
The car just sold this morning. Whoever bought it must be very happy. I
dont think I have ever seen a DeLorean in better shape. just wanted to let
you know so he wouldnt keep getting calls on it. I just talked to Scott, the
seller and the guy who bought it worked on the Back to the future movies, he
said 16 DeLoreans were damaged in the making. Well, now Grand Rapids has 3
less Deloreans this month. I know of 2 others that have sold and moved away
recently. Is the new owner on the list? I would love to hear about your
long ride home in your new DMC.
#2496-maybe for sale too............soon
Message: 24
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 18:54:36 EDT
From: dmcdelorean2@xxxxxxx
Subject: DeLorean Tires
moderators note: the archives are full of tire refrences.
I just wanted to know what kind of tires ride nice and don't wear out
with DeLoreans. Were the original NCTs any good? Also, I have some "Grand
Spirit Aqua Flow GTX" tires on mine, I was thinking of getting some Eagle GTs
on them. The only problem is that they don't have them in the size I need
with RWL tires.
Vin 11388
Rahway, NJ
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