Before posting messages or replies, see the posting policy rules at: To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address: moderator@xxxxxxxxxxx ------------------------------------------------------------------------ There are 5 messages in this issue. Topics in this digest: 1. Re: POR-15 for Frame restoration From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx> 2. Re: Main Fuel Relay From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx> 3. Finding Keys From: Dee Moats <Dee-Moats@xxxxxxxxxx> 4. Re: Summer Heat, now hard starting Q From: dherv10@xxxxxxx 5. toll booth window From: John Yeoman <theshovel1224@xxxxxxxxx> ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 1 Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 01:54:17 -0400 From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx> Subject: Re: POR-15 for Frame restoration Steve, For all the work you are going to do, I recommend using something better than paint from a spray can -- especially Rustoleum. I have found that their paint works well on things like ceiling fans that never get bumped or scratched; but for me, Rostoleum products do not hold up well on heavy use items like bicycles, tool boxes, etc. But then maybe they have improved their paint lately. Why don't you consider using Automotive paint? Save a paint flake of the original epoxy and have it color matched. Then you could post the color formula on the DML so that other people wouldn't have to pay to have the color matched next time (provided they use the same kind of paint.) Or better yet, just compare your paint flake to samples they have in their books. Since you are painting a frame and not a fender, you don't even need a paint booth. All you need is a spray gun and a dry source of air to run it. But I suppose that if you had this equipment then you wouldn't be talking about using spray cans... But if you must use spray paint, I recommend Krylon over Rostoleum. Maybe they have a good color match, too. I highly recommend preparing a test piece of metal to make sure that what ever combination of paint you are using is compatible. Several times I have mix-matched primers with color coats and ended up with various problems such as the color coat dissolving the primer creating a wrinkle finish, or just not sticking to the primer and flaking off later. Paint from spray cans can be tricky to work with because they are generally very slow drying. This gives the solvents more time to react and cause an unfavorable reaction. You have good reviews about the 'paint', but are you talking about the COMBINATION of using POR-15 with Rustoleum or did you just hear rave reviews about the POR-15? Before you mix the two, be sure that they will work together. In the end, I suppose that the color coat is just there for looks, so if don't stick well, then it really doesn't matter. Nah! I does matter! Walt ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 2 Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 02:29:08 -0400 From: "Walter" <Whalt@xxxxxxx> Subject: Re: Main Fuel Relay Mark, I have the exact same problem with my D, and mine is also an automatic. When I started it today for the first time, it idles fine. But when I step on the gas, it hesitates and makes a very soft back-firing sound. With a little warm-up time and a little coaxing, it runs almost like it should. I describe the problem as having trouble 'breaking the idle threshold'. Once it's running faster than 1500 RPM, then it accelerates fine after that. Other symptoms I have: When I am sitting at a light, take my foot off the break and put it on the gas, the car will give the same hesitation. Basically, the car will barely crawl forward. When I switch the a/c off, it accelerates much better after that. Since I installed a 'John Hervey' edition 140amp alternator and a Fanzilla, the car accellerates much better now. But still all is not right. Another symptom that I have which may or may not be related: While I am accellerating, the center a/c vents on the dash close so that only the door vents work. When I am maintaining speed, then the vents come back on. I hear that it is normal for some loss of vacuum especially on automatics under heavy accelleration, but on my car this happens under ANY acceleration. I'm thinking maybe I have a bad vacuum tank and/or the vaccuum advance isn't working on the distributor. Are you having the same vacuum problems that I am? Also, does the Delorean even have a vaccuum canister? And if so, where is it and how can I check it? Thanks y'all Walt ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 3 Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 06:14:59 -0700 (PDT) From: Dee Moats <Dee-Moats@xxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Finding Keys I just bought a pair of keys from Stephen Wynn at DeLorean Motor Company in Houston. Dee Moats On Sat, 12 Aug 2000 02:03:05 EDT, dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote: > In a message dated 8/10/00 12:02:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time, > mpolans@xxxxxxxxxxx writes: > > << I heard about Lee's key blanks on the list and > I've emailed him three times since I bought my DeLorean in June and have yet > to receive a response from him. I need blanks because my car never came > with the originals and they are getting worn as it is. If anyone on the > list is in contact with Lee can you please ask him to drop me an email? >> > > Matt- > Someone on the list wrote in awhile back saying that Don at DeLorean Motor > Center in Garden Grove, CA had them, and possibly some other suppliers. Or > you can contact Ken Montgomery on this list... he knows Lee. > > -Wayne > "The DeLoreran Nose Bra Guy" > vin 11174 > > > Before posting messages or replies, see the posting policy rules at: > > > To address comments privately to the moderating team, please address: > moderator@xxxxxxxxxxx > Dee-Moats@xxxxxxxxxx _______________________________________________________ Say Bye to Slow Internet! ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 4 Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 09:57:10 EDT From: dherv10@xxxxxxx Subject: Re: Summer Heat, now hard starting Q Chris, Welcome to Texas, Home of the hot start start . Just kidding. John Hervey here in Dallas. To answer your question about hot start. When the engine coolant is abpve 95 degrees, the cold start valve is being told not to work by the thermo time switch/engine coolant tempt switch. It may be time to install the hot start relay which will pulse the system with gas during cranking. If you need help, maby Gus in Austin or if your in Dallas area I could put it in for you. I do a lot of work on the cars as a hobby, but naturally DMC Houston could do it also. I threw a fan belt yesterday due to heat, Saturday and no telling what else is going to happen. John Hervey vin 11004 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Message: 5 Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 10:09:05 -0700 (PDT) From: John Yeoman <theshovel1224@xxxxxxxxx> Subject: toll booth window Hey List, I have a problem with my right toll booth window. The front end keeps slipping off the guide. The guide doesn't seem to be bent or in any other way different from the left one. I have slippped out the window and put it back in about four times, and every time I do I run the window up and down about 100 times to see what makes it slip off. Then, after the 100th time when it doesn't slip off, I put the interior trim back on and a few hours later when I try the window, it slips off the guide the 1st or 2nd time I operate the window. Has anyone else had this problem happen to their toll booth window, and how did you fix it? All help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. John __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere! ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
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