dmcnews-digest V3 #375
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dmcnews-digest V3 #375

Title: dmcnews-digest V3 #375

dmcnews-digest          Sunday, June 14 1998          Volume 03 : Number 375

       In this issue:
        DML: RE: DeLorean 95' Desktop Theme
        DML: Fwd: DeLorean for sale
        DML: Doors & Locks?
        Re: DML: DeLorean 95' Desktop Theme
        DML: Why the DeLorean has Power Locks
        Re: DML: DeLorean 95' Desktop Theme
        DML: Cincinnati Dress Code
        Re: DML: 1979 delorean????
        DML: DeLorean 95' Desktop Theme Update
        DML: John Delorean's Address
        DML: Re: Power doors?
        DML: 1980 DeLorean
        Re: DML: John Delorean's Address
        DML: Re: Power doors?
        DML: Re: RE: Re: Jumper wire
        DML: Re: Why the DeLorean has Power Locks
        DML: Re: Doors & Locks?
        DML: Re: Relays
        Re: DML: Doors & Locks?
        DML: To All Posters of the list
        Re: DML: Doors & Locks?
        RE: DML: To All Posters of the list
        DML: can't attend
        Re: DML: Cincinnati Dress Code
        Re: DML: Rear Windows
        DML: Ut-oh! Anyone check the weather?
        DML: RE: Doors & Locks?
        DML: driving with the doors up
        Re: DML: Stainless Steel Illusion and Car Show
        Re: DML: RE: Doors & Locks?
        DML: RE: Cincinnati Dress Code
        Re: DML: Stainless Steel Illusion and Car Show
        DML: D for SALE
        DML: Re: driving with the doors up
        Re: DML: Stainless Steel Illusion and Car Show
        Re: DML: RE: Doors & Locks?
        DML: Thailand DMC
        DML: RE: Power Door Locks
        DML: MODERATOR'S NOTE: Expect mailing list delays during DeLorean show
        Re: DML: MODERATOR'S NOTE: Expect mailing list delays during


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 10:48:22 -0400
From: "Yocom, Shannon" <syocom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: DeLorean 95' Desktop Theme

Is there a Mac friendly version for us IBM deprived (by my choice I
guess) DeLorean lovers?

I am currently (basically finished) creating a 2 year calendar of
DeLoreans that will be at the DCO table in Cinn. (plug) for all to see
and order coppies if you like it.  I also will create the same images to
be used as background screens on your computer for either MAC or IBM/PC

- -Shannon

> ----------
> From:         Mostafa Sayed
> Reply To:     dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent:         Tuesday, June 9, 1998 3:22 AM
> To:   DMC News
> Subject:      DML: DeLorean 95' Desktop Theme
> Hi fellow DML'ers,
>     Just a week ago I released the first ever DeLorean Desktop theme
> for
> Windows 95'.  You can download it from my site at
> If you do not have MS
> Plus! I have included an installer for it.
>     If you downloaded it before 6/9/98 I have released the first patch
> for it. You may have noticed there were no backgrounds, go to my site
> to
> download the patch which will add the backgrounds. The full version is
> also fixed.
>     This is really nice theme so far from which I have heard from
> others
> who downloaded it. It will make a great addition to your desktop.
>            Mostafa


Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1998 22:46:10 EDT
From: Msedivy@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: Fwd: DeLorean for sale

I wish to list my DeLorean for sale on your mailing list.  Information is as

1981 DeLorean.  5-speed.  24,500 miles.  Stainless finish.  Grey interior.
VIN#SCEDT26T5BD006271.  Located in Southwest suburbs of Chicago.  Estate
Asking $17,000 obo.  Call (708)233-9696 or (773)404-2080.


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 11:07:50 -0400
From: "Yocom, Shannon" <syocom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Doors & Locks?

  The topic of door locks & stuff has got my head wondering.  I'm not
one that requires the luxury of power locks. I was wondering if anyone
has or heard of normal non-power locks being installed in a DeLorean.
You know like the kind where you/ your fingers pull up the knob to
unlock & lock.  Is that feesibly possible?  Would this eliminate any
electrical problems of the doors keeping you locked in?  Would it just
be cheeper to get the LockZilla from Mr. Grady, since that has basically
a perfect record?

- - Shannon

MODERATOR'S NOTE: You can disconnect the power lock module in the relay
compartment to render your power locks unpowered.


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 10:26:29 -0500
From: scottmueller@xxxxxxxxx (Scott Mueller)
Subject: Re: DML: DeLorean 95' Desktop Theme

Mostafa Sayed wrote:
> Hi fellow DML'ers,
>     Just a week ago I released the first ever DeLorean Desktop theme for
> Windows 95'.

>     If you downloaded it before 6/9/98 I have released the first patch
> for it. You may have noticed there were no backgrounds, go to my site to
> download the patch which will add the backgrounds.
>            Mostafa

I tried downloading the 1.3 meg patch, the site could not be found.

Scott Mueller


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 11:49:20 -0400
From: Mike Substelny <SUBSTEM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Why the DeLorean has Power Locks

Shannon Yocom asked:

> I was wondering if anyone has or heard of normal non-power
> locks being installed in a DeLorean.  You know like the kind
> where you/ your fingers pull up the knob to unlock & lock.  Is that
> feesibly possible?  Would this eliminate any electrical problems of
> the doors keeping you locked in?

The DeLorean locks already work fine in non-power mode.  Just unplug
the wires from the solenoids and you have normal, non-power locks.

You should know that there are practical, non-luxury reasons why the
DeLorean has power locks.

First, the DeLorean has a wide body and a high center consol, making it
very difficult to reach across the passenger seat to lock or unlock the

Second, it *is* possible for unlocked DeLorean doors to pop open on their
own.  I think the factory knew this, thus the "Lock Doors" warning light at
the bottom of the A/C control panel.  In over four years of using my
DeLorean as a non-winter daily driver this has happened to me only
once.  While driving 65 MPH on the Ohio Turnpike, my unlocked driver's
door popped opened all by itself, scaring the bejeezus out of me!

- - Mike Substelny


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 11:41:17 -0500
From: steve r <stephenr@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: DeLorean 95' Desktop Theme

I tried installing it and I never noticed any difference.  I followed all

Scott Mueller wrote:

> Mostafa Sayed wrote:
> >
> > Hi fellow DML'ers,
> >
> >     Just a week ago I released the first ever DeLorean Desktop theme for
> > Windows 95'.
> >     If you downloaded it before 6/9/98 I have released the first patch
> > for it. You may have noticed there were no backgrounds, go to my site to
> > download the patch which will add the backgrounds.
> >
> >            Mostafa
> >
> I tried downloading the 1.3 meg patch, the site could not be found.
> Scott Mueller


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 13:12:29 -0400
From: Mike Substelny <SUBSTEM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Cincinnati Dress Code

In coordinating the Trans-Ohio caravan for the DeLorean Club of Ohio,
my wife and I have been speaking to a lot of members who do not
subscribe to the DML.  Every one of them has asked the same question:

"What are you and Patti wearing in Cincinnati, Mike?"

This really surprised me, since I never thought to ask the question
myself, but 100% of the couples we spoke to brought this up!

If Ken Koncelik has something special in mind, I invite him to please
respond.  Otherwise, we plan to go casual all weekend.  This is what
Patti and I have told everyone:

To the Friday dinner my wife and I plan to wear the same thing we will
wear when we travel, probably shorts and a nice casual shirt.

Saturday we expect to be at the museum all day, so we will not count on
a chance for a complete change of clothes between the Car Show and
dinner.  During the show we will wear theme T-shirts, Patti is wearing
something called a "skort," and I will be in casual slacks.  If it gets
in the evening Patti may throw a sweater over her shoulders and I might
put a Hawiian print shirt over my T-shirt.

Sunday, the warehouse *definitely* calls for rugged jeans and T-shirts.

- - Mike Substelny


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 11:37:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: Jimi Haha <arp_dmc12@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: 1979 delorean????

- ---jeremiah falles <dmc_racing_lmtd@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> dear list,
> i am thumbing through a book entitled "CLASSIC AMERICAN CARS" by
> Quentin Willson (copyrighted in 1997) and published by DK
> Publishing,Inc.. on page 157 in the lower right hand corner is a pic
> of a delorean. right above it it says "1979 DeLorean" is this the
> prototype or what? i think readers should be better informed.
> razzz
> no vin yet...
> _______________________________________________________
I think I have the same book, It says 1979 because the car
<I><B><U>is</B><I/></U> the prototype (look at the windows and wheels).  My
book was printed in 1979.    

                       piece<br>                     -John Heflin-
       -----------the blues are coming-----------

<hr size=1><b>DO YOU YAHOO!?</b><br>Get your free address at <a
href="" href="">">Yahoo! Mail</a>.<br>


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 13:16:27 -0700
From: Mostafa Sayed <phoenixl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: DeLorean 95' Desktop Theme Update

Hi DMLers,

    I fixed the link to the patch for the DeLorean Desktop Theme and it
is now downloadable, If you downloaded DeLorean 95' before 6/9/98, then
you need this patch to get the backgrounds. This is the only and the
last of the known bugs in the theme. The expansion pack should be ready
in a couple weeks. Download the patch from my page at



DMCVIN: Soon enough.......


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 13:59:02 -0700
From: "Brent Jordan" <jordan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: John Delorean's Address

Does anyone know where I might be able to reach John Delorean?  I would
prefer an e-mail address, but snail mail will do, please e-mail me, or post
where I could reach him.

Thank You,

Brent Jordan

"Tomorrow is just and excuse away."
                     -Billy Corgan


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 14:11:16 -0700
From: "Dave Price" <davep@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Power doors?

>My friend just purchased a DeLorean ('81, automatic). It needs some
>work...not a whole lot though.  One thing that he wants to do is have
>remote power doors. Sure, this could be something as simple as "push a
>button and the doors unlock", bute he wants more. What he is wanting is
>to have two buttons on the remote key fob. One OPENS the drivers door
>and the other OPENS the passenger door. I'm talking "unlock and
>automatically push the door to its full open position." Is this
>possible? Has anyone done this? If so, please email me with info or
>suggestions for him. Thanks in advance.

Well, There is an easy way and a hard way...  The easy way is to buy a
door-pop kit from an auto parts place (i.e. JC Whitney) and install the
solinoids to basically pull the handle of the door for you.  The torsion bar
and strut on the door should open it the rest of the way.  The only probable
downfall could be if your t-bar/struts aren't adjusted properly (like mine)
the door opens too fast without someone guiding it up, which is bad for
the door mounts.  The only other thing that I could see getting in the way
of this is the timing to pop the door -after- they are unlocked.  You'd have
to rig something up to check that the doors are unlocked before the
door-pop solinoid would kick in.

The hard way would involve removing the door-latch mechanism, the
and the torsion bar, replace the gas strut, with a hydrolic cylinder that
would open/close/lock the doors.  I think this is more of a pipe-dream,
and is most likely not feasable.

Good luck, and let us know how it works out, I've been wanting to do
this for a while, but I don't have the time/money to tackle it...



Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 17:42:21 -0500
From: steve r <stephenr@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: 1980 DeLorean

    There is a local owner in my area that has told me he owns an 80
DeLorean.  The first thing that came to mind was,"Is it a prototype?".
The answer he gave me was no.  He told me that was the year it was
built.  I told him it would have to be an 81 but he refuses that to even
be a chance.

MODERATOR'S NOTE: The build date of the car should be clearly marked on the
ID plate mounted on the driver's door sill directly above the rear door


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 18:52:33 EDT
From: UNDERBOSS2@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: John Delorean's Address

well Mr. DeLorean lives in Bedminster, NJ.   I cant give you an address but,
can give you directions to his estate, i used to work near his place.  He
have a mailbox, but it is unmarked, and the road is private...........


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 13:23:38 -0400
From: "Joe " <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Power doors?

Remote operation of the door locks is doable. Unlocking the doors
independently would involve extensive circuitry modifications and
additional relays. Remote opening and closing is also feasible but requires
very extensive work. In addition to relays, wiring, and adding a heavy duty
solenoid to each door, the door torsion bars must be re adjusted to
compensate for the additional weight. We have a "Back To The Future"
DeLorean that we contract out for cooperate special events and have done
some of these modifications.
Joe/DeLorean Services

- ----------
> From: Jeff Bruette <jbruette@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: DML: Power doors?
> Date: Wednesday, June 10, 1998 3:08 AM
> My friend just purchased a DeLorean ('81, automatic). It needs some
> work...not a whole lot though.  One thing that he wants to do is have
> remote power doors. Sure, this could be something as simple as "push a
> button and the doors unlock", bute he wants more. What he is wanting is
> to have two buttons on the remote key fob. One OPENS the drivers door
> and the other OPENS the passenger door. I'm talking "unlock and
> automatically push the door to its full open position." Is this
> possible? Has anyone done this? If so, please email me with info or
> suggestions for him. Thanks in advance.


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 13:11:59 -0400
From: "Joe " <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: RE: Re: Jumper wire

The original relay (Fan Fail) is unique to all the other relays, it has a
plastic shell and is blue in color. The top reads "Pektron Derby England",
there are no numbers.
If you would like to get one of these let me know. By the way, these units
have a 99% failure rate, so I would not drive the car with one installed.
Joe/DeLorean Services

- ----------
> From: Gowler Don-CFPO01 <cfpo01@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: 'dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
> Subject: DML: RE: Re: Jumper wire
> Date: Wednesday, June 10, 1998 10:32 AM
> In regards to this vein.  What does the original relay #11 look like?
> Are there any specific markings on it?  I have a bunch from updating
> them but would like to be able to keep the original in place for serious
> concours?  Is it :  33375E   4381   12V  ??  Joe??
> Regards,   The Silver Fox
> > ----------
> > From:       Joe
> > Reply To:   dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Sent:       Tuesday, June 9, 1998 2:16 AM
> > To:         dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > Subject:    DML: Re: Jumper wire
> >
> > Josh,
> > Looking down at the blue socket the common wire goes into the bottom
> > (horizontal slot), the two remaining leads go to the left and right
> > vertical sockets.
> > Joe/DeLorean Services
> >
> > ----------
> > > From: Josh Price <pricej@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> > > To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> > > Subject: DML: Jumper wire
> > > Date: Saturday, June 06, 1998 7:49 PM
> > >
> > > After my D got back from the shop, I found that they had removed the
> > three
> > > way jumper wire that was in place of the fan fail relay.  I went to
> > put
> > it
> > > back in but there is five or six different slots that the three
> > wires
> > > could go into.  I started to try all the different combinations that
> > I
> > > could think of, but could somebody please look at theirs and tell
> > me?
> > Its
> > > the relay in the lower left hand corner.
> > >
> > > Thanks!
> > >
> > > Josh Price
> > > VIN 10242
> >
> >


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 13:33:50 -0400
From: "Joe " <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Why the DeLorean has Power Locks

The DeLorean door lock system would not be improved by pull up knobs, the
main problem is with door lock module. This component along with several
other electrical devices is of inferior quality. As you had mentioned, when
this unit is un plugged the locks work fine. PJ Grady has the Lockzilla
which is an excellent replacement to the original and allows the locks to
work properly.
Joe/DeLorean Services

- ----------
> From: Mike Substelny <SUBSTEM@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: DML: Why the DeLorean has Power Locks
> Date: Wednesday, June 10, 1998 11:49 AM
> Shannon Yocom asked:
> > I was wondering if anyone has or heard of normal non-power
> > locks being installed in a DeLorean.  You know like the kind
> > where you/ your fingers pull up the knob to unlock & lock.  Is that
> > feesibly possible?  Would this eliminate any electrical problems of
> > the doors keeping you locked in?
> The DeLorean locks already work fine in non-power mode.  Just unplug
> the wires from the solenoids and you have normal, non-power locks.
> You should know that there are practical, non-luxury reasons why the
> DeLorean has power locks.
> First, the DeLorean has a wide body and a high center consol, making it
> very difficult to reach across the passenger seat to lock or unlock the
> door.
> Second, it *is* possible for unlocked DeLorean doors to pop open on their
> own.  I think the factory knew this, thus the "Lock Doors" warning light
> the bottom of the A/C control panel.  In over four years of using my
> DeLorean as a non-winter daily driver this has happened to me only
> once.  While driving 65 MPH on the Ohio Turnpike, my unlocked driver's
> door popped opened all by itself, scaring the bejeezus out of me!
> - Mike Substelny


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 13:46:56 -0400
From: "Joe " <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Doors & Locks?

Get the LockZilla!

- ----------
> From: Yocom, Shannon <syocom@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: 'dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'
> Subject: DML: Doors & Locks?
> Date: Wednesday, June 10, 1998 11:07 AM
>   The topic of door locks & stuff has got my head wondering.  I'm not
> one that requires the luxury of power locks. I was wondering if anyone
> has or heard of normal non-power locks being installed in a DeLorean.
> You know like the kind where you/ your fingers pull up the knob to
> unlock & lock.  Is that feesibly possible?  Would this eliminate any
> electrical problems of the doors keeping you locked in?  Would it just
> be cheeper to get the LockZilla from Mr. Grady, since that has basically
> a perfect record?
> - Shannon
> MODERATOR'S NOTE: You can disconnect the power lock module in the relay
> compartment to render your power locks unpowered.


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 13:43:56 -0400
From: "Joe " <dmcjoe@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: Relays

I will assume that you no longer have a "Fan Fail Relay" this is the only
relay that should be gone. You should replace the ''Cooling Fan" and
"Blower" circuit breakers with 40 amp. replacements. Your AC short cycling
is due to insufficient freon pressure or a defective low pressure cut off
Joe/DeLorean Services

- ----------
> From: Stephen Jaeger <sjaeger01@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: dmcnews <dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: DML: Relays
> Date: Tuesday, June 09, 1998 1:03 AM
> I am the fourth owner of my '81 Delorean. I have been considering
> replacing
> the relays due to a problem with the A/C short cycling and because of
> the
> horror stories I've heard regarding fires starting in this area. I
> hate to shell out
> the $200 if they are not needed. Is there a way to tell what
> generation relays
> I have? The A/C was just redone (converted to 134a) by the last owner,
> so I am pretty sure the charge is OK.
> Thanks
> Steve



Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 19:13:12 EDT
From: KayoOng@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Doors & Locks?

To all DMC owners,

The last month or two I have seen many posting on the subject and questions
gas sending units, air condition and radiator fan relay and now the door
I would like to share my experiences in these areas.
This is not to push the "Zilla" product line. 
This is my experiences.
There is no better product or units out in the market!!!
I have installed all of them in my Delorean.
If you can afford these units or wish to eliminate your headaches in these
areas, convert them with these units. 
They are not cheap, but they are worth every penny of it.
I have replace all these ailing areas with the whole entire "Zilla" line. 
They work perfectly every time in the areas they are designed to replace. 
I had these unit working for 30 months. 
Need I say more?
Contact PJ Grady 800-350-7429 ask for Rob or Debbie for catalog or sheets on
these great units.

Lockzilla for locks
Fanzilla for radiator fans and A/C
Tankzilla for gas gauge
There is a "NONZILLA" remanufactured Idle Computers.  It works better then
original unit, even though Rob says there should be no difference.  The
Delorean runs with just a little more pep.....just a little
more....pep.....just that little more pep.

Anyway I hope this all help everyone in search of their answers.
After replacing these units in the Delorean,

Kayo Ong
Lic 9D  NY


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 19:46:27 -0400
From: Sean Jones <shain@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: To All Posters of the list


Can you all please set the dates on your computers.  I keep getting posts
diffrent dates that aren't.  So i hvae to scrool up and take more time
them then reading them.  Thanks,  i think everyone should apreciate it.



Date: Wed, 10 Jun 98 21:43:40 PDT
From: "Brandon S. Moody" <bsmoody@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Doors & Locks?

>   The topic of door locks & stuff has got my head wondering.  I'm not
> one that requires the luxury of power locks. I was wondering if anyone
> has or heard of normal non-power locks being installed in a DeLorean.
> You know like the kind where you/ your fingers pull up the knob to
> unlock & lock.  Is that feesibly possible?  Would this eliminate any
> electrical problems of the doors keeping you locked in?  Would it just
> be cheeper to get the LockZilla from Mr. Grady, since that has basically
> a perfect record?

The door locks on the Delorean are not exactly "power locks" like in
american cars.   The button on the armrest has a direct mechanical link
to the lock mech.   THe only thing "power" about the thing is when it
is working correctly,  if you lock one door, then it sends a signal to a
magnetic  solenoid to pull the other lock.    Even if you remove the
battery from the car,  the doors will still lock/unlock. Just not together.

- -Brandon


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 19:23:48 -0800
From: "tomcio" <tomcio@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: DML: To All Posters of the list

Hi all,
This is a good idea. I have a little program which is a freeware that
sets your computer clock perfectly. It connects to the atomic clock
located in Boulder CO. If someone can post this program on their web
site for everyone to download please email me directly. It's size is
only 146kB. Thanks.

vin 6298

Sean Jones <shain@xxxxxxxx> wrote on Wednesday June 10, 1998 at 
>Can you all please set the dates on your computers.  I keep getting
>diffrent dates that aren't.  So i hvae to scrool up and take more
>them then reading them.  Thanks,  i think everyone should apreciate



Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 22:06:07 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: can't attend

Hi All!

        Unfortunately I won't be able to be at the up coming Cincinnati
feast. Originally I had hoped I might be able to have some kind of Limited
edition Kit preview. The Proto type is done but I am scheduled for surgery
for the same week-end, well actually the following Tuesday. So I am

        I am sharing this mostly because I am getting so many e-mails asking
if I
will be attending and will I be showing the limited edition Delorean Kit.

        I also want to say thanks to every one wishing me luck under the
knife. As
I have said it's Knee repair so There should really be no serious problems,
mostly convincing the wife I am well enough to drive ASAP...Wink<

        I hope every one attending the big doing's has a great time !

Best wishes and good luck

Lee Seiler

Radiance Software International
1726 Francisco Street
Berkeley California 94703 USA
Tel: 510-649-9118 Fax: 510-848-7613


Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 02:17:39 EDT
From: KKoncelik@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Cincinnati Dress Code

I agree this is a casual event..  The friday dinner  would be a bit mor
"classy" but no suite and tie unless you have the great urge to do so.
saturday night shorts and a T are just fine.



Date: Wed, 10 Jun 98 21:34:53 PDT
From: "Brandon S. Moody" <bsmoody@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Rear Windows

>       I have a question concerning the rear side windows that I have
> not read any information on.  My rear windows (the ones in the engine
> compartment) need to be reattached. One of them is completely out and
> the other is about to join it.  The only information that I have is from
> my workshop manual that basically says to remove the rear quarter panels
> to install them.  Is there an easier way?  Has anyone out there
> performed this task?  I would be interested in getting any information
> that would help me re-attach these items.

I have did this on a couple of occasions but both times with the panels
You probably have an 81 car.  From my observatinos,  it seems that the
with the windows falling out was corrected in 82 with the intallation of
clips around the edges.  Also,  I have noticed that the 82 cars have a
finish strip
intalled like the door glass.  Does anyone know if this is true with all
82-83 cars
or just the ones I have noticed ?

- -Brandon


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 22:26:52 -0400
From: Marc A Levy <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Ut-oh! Anyone check the weather?

Looks like I should have replaced my tires!

Weather forcast for Rain all this weekend in Cincinnati!

Oh well, We'll get wet!


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 22:39:08 -0500
From: "Steven W. Gilseth" <sgilseth@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: Doors & Locks?

I have been looking over the Doors & Locks messages and
it sounds like to me that all DeLoreans have Power Locks???

If that is the case I must have the only one that doesn't or
mine are not functioning.  Where is the power lock/unlock
switch in the car???

All I have is a manual lock lever on the door arm rest.  Is
there any way to check this quickly (a relay, fuse, or wire

VIN#5982 - Oct 81


Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 15:30:23 -0700
From: "lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx" <lseiler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: driving with the doors up

At 12:00 AM 6/9/98 EDT, you wrote:
>that is funny
>tell your friend that leaving the doors up while driving around will leave
>a delorean with no doors at all...
>he's bound to lose them eventually by hitting something
>good luck

Actually the several previous replies dealing with the doors being in the
up position while driving are remarkably in error.

It's  well know that driving with the doors up and accelerating to 75mph
while pulling back on the steering wheel will generate enough lift to mount
the DeLorean on an air cushion that increases mileage by 37%.


Radiance Software International
1726 Francisco Street
Berkeley California 94703 USA
Tel: 510-649-9118 Fax: 510-848-7613


Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 02:15:12 EDT
From: KKoncelik@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: DML: Stainless Steel Illusion and Car Show

CNBC will be there doing a special on the show.  also the local news
will be there Saturday.



Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 09:43:26 -0500
From: scottmueller@xxxxxxxxx (Scott Mueller)
Subject: Re: DML: RE: Doors & Locks?

Steven W. Gilseth wrote:
> I have been looking over the Doors & Locks messages and
> it sounds like to me that all DeLoreans have Power Locks???
> If that is the case I must have the only one that doesn't or
> mine are not functioning.  Where is the power lock/unlock
> switch in the car???
> All I have is a manual lock lever on the door arm rest.  Is
> there any way to check this quickly (a relay, fuse, or wire
> connection).
> Steve
> VIN#5982 - Oct 81

Look in your relay compartment, is one missing?  If you like, pull the
door panels, you should see a solenoid in the lower rear of the door.
Also, there is a wiper switch in each door.  there are three copper tits
and a copper arm.  When you move the manual rocker switch in the arm
rest, the copper arm will make contact with the center tit and one or
the other outside tits.  I'm not trying to be pornographic here.


Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 10:32:38 -0400
From: "Richard Strecker" <dmc1219@xxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: RE: Cincinnati Dress Code

There is no "Dress Code" (other than comfortable) for any of the events.
The weather forecasts for Saturday are for sunny & warm (80's), if
you believe that!!  The forecast for today was "sunny" and at the moment it
is raining.



Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 09:50:05 -0500
From: scottmueller@xxxxxxxxx (Scott Mueller)
Subject: Re: DML: Stainless Steel Illusion and Car Show

KKoncelik@xxxxxxx wrote:
> CNBC will be there doing a special on the show.  also the local news
> stations
> will be there Saturday.
> ken

Ken, For the benifit of us folks that do not live in the area, would it
be possible for you to video tape the news broadcasts for us.  A copy
would be great.  I would be willing to pay for the tape.

See you Friday

Scott Mueller
"Red Neck DeLorean Owners of Alabama"


Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 11:23:47 -0500
From: "Stephen Pitre" <SPitre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: D for SALE

1981 D; automatic trans; 5, 041 miles; VIN=235218; original owner and =
we=27ve had it covered in our barn for over 14 years.  Original tires and =
they are not even dry rotted.  No dents, scrapes, cuts, dings, etc.  The =
mother of all Ds.  Call (318)742-8474.  D located in New Orleans, LA.


Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 10:07:51 -0700
From: "Dave Price" <davep@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Re: driving with the doors up

>Actually the several previous replies dealing with the doors being in the
>up position while driving are remarkably in error.
>It's  well know that driving with the doors up and accelerating to 75mph
>while pulling back on the steering wheel will generate enough lift to mount
>the DeLorean on an air cushion that increases mileage by 37%.

Don't say those kinds of things, someone out there might think you're

Good luck on the slab!

MODERATOR'S NOTE: This thread is completely exhausted. Don't expect me to
post any more messages on this thread unless there is some extraordinarily
interesting new infomration.


Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 10:56:55 -0400
From: Marc A Levy <malevy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: Stainless Steel Illusion and Car Show

Anyone going to record them?  This would be a great thing to include in
a videotape of the event!

KKoncelik@xxxxxxx wrote:
> CNBC will be there doing a special on the show.  also the local news
> stations
> will be there Saturday.
> ken


Date: Thu, 11 Jun 98 16:47:53 PDT
From: "Brandon S. Moody" <bsmoody@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: DML: RE: Doors & Locks?

> I have been looking over the Doors & Locks messages and
> it sounds like to me that all DeLoreans have Power Locks???
> If that is the case I must have the only one that doesn't or
> mine are not functioning.  Where is the power lock/unlock
> switch in the car???

The switch is inside the door.  When you move the manual lever
to lock the door,  it moves a switch, which sends current to the
lock relay ( black box thats mounted on top of the metal frame in
the electical compartment) which sends a signal to the other door
and locks that door.  

- -Brandon


Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 14:27:58 -0700
From: Greg Linstad <gregl@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: Thailand DMC

The latest issue of the DOA magazine contains an article about a
Delorean owner in Thailand whose car was featured in a popular Thai car
magazine. Does anyone know how to contact this magazine for copies? Of
course it is all written in Thai, but I would like to have it as an
addition to my DMC stuff.
VIN# 3507


Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 18:57:44 EDT
From: CDIUSAMPS@xxxxxxx
Subject: DML: RE: Power Door Locks

For those not familiar with European cars, it is not power locks on the DMC
12, it is actually "central locking."  This feature as opposed to the U.S.
style power locks are on most European cars. 


Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 16:08:34 -0700
From: "Grimsrud, Knut S" <knut.s.grimsrud@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: DML: MODERATOR'S NOTE: Expect mailing list delays during DeLorean show

MODERATOR'S NOTE: Since both James and I will be at the DeLorean car show in
Cincinnati over the weekend, there may be some delays in getting the
postings processed during that period. Regular service will pick up as we
get back.

                                                Knut Grimsrud
                                                Guest Moderator


Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 19:30:47 -0500
From: scottmueller@xxxxxxxxx (Scott Mueller)
Subject: Re: DML: MODERATOR'S NOTE: Expect mailing list delays during

DeLorean show
Sender: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Precedence: list
Reply-To: dmcnews@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Grimsrud, Knut S wrote:
> MODERATOR'S NOTE: Since both James and I will be at the DeLorean car show
> Cincinnati over the weekend, there may be some delays in getting the
> postings processed during that period. Regular service will pick up as we
> get back.
>                                                 Knut Grimsrud
>                                                 Guest Moderator

A well deserved break from MODERATOR DUTIES.  I think that I speak for
many of the other members, both James and Knut do a fantastic job
moderating the list.

Thanks for all of your hard work.

See you in Cincinatti.

Scott Mueller
vin 2981

MODERATOR'S NOTE: Thanks for the words of encouragement and appreciation.



End of dmcnews-digest V3 #375

 Postings to the DELOREAN MAILING LIST are the opinions of the author and
 not necessarily those of the list moderator (James Espey) or his
 Service Provider(s). The list moderator makes every effort to screen out
 false, misleading, and negative postings, but it is up to you, the
 of the DELOREAN MAILING LIST, to realize that nothing should be taken as
 actual fact without research and investigation of your own.

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