Re: [DMCForum] Re: DMC Wedding...
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Re: [DMCForum] Re: DMC Wedding...
- From: "Videobob Moseley" <videobob@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2005 12:53:12 -0500
If you want some god pre-marital reading...and I am being 100% totally
serious here,
seek out and buy this book:
"How To Be The Jerk That Women Love - F.J. Shark"
This is the best anti-pussy-shipping book I have ever read.
What it teaches you is that the type of dominating woman (all)
that would want to test your limits by "whipping" you is really hoping for
the opposite result, they want you to be the tough guy, they want you to
fight about
it because it means they respect you. (It's a father figure thing).
If you just go along with what they say all the time and be under thier
then they won't respect you at all and the relationship will go down the
....I know it sounds somewhat manipulative but it is the truth.
Unlike the title of the book, it is not suggesting that you are an asshole
wife abuser, that' not it at just have to read it, if you can
find a copy.
If you have the "Tom Leykis show" ona radio near you tune into that.
Anyone who I have turned onto this book who has read it has had better
- VB
>From: Ryan Wright <ryanpwright@xxxxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>To: DMCForum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: Re: [DMCForum] Re: DMC Wedding...
>Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 10:14:41 -0700
>On 8/3/05, Marc Levy <malevy_nj@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Wow, not even married yet... and she is nice enough
> > to *LET* you continue your (Ken's) part's business..
> > Isn't that nice of her?
> >
> > Watch your step, or she will change her mind.
> >
> > Oh, I am so NEVER getting married.... If I ever
> > change my mind, someone come and shoot me?
>Marc, it's really not a problem. Just marry someone who respects you,
>and vice versa. Most importantly, be willing to stand up for yourself.
>I believe all women will eventually "put her foot down" and/or try to
>manipulate her husband into not doing something "because (she) said
>so." You have to be willing to say, "Honey, I love you and respect
>your opinion, but what I want to do is perfectly reasonable and I'm
>going to do it."
>Of course, you can't be an ass about it. If you're spending more money
>than you can afford, or painting the living room walls black, you need
>to come to an agreement. But if it's just about some hobby you have,
>or what kind of car you buy for yourself (assuming you're in the
>financial situation to do so), quite frankly she has no say in it. I
>never understood these women who think they can dictate what their
>husbands drive to work every day. "You can't have a sports car, you
>need a family car." Why? He's in it all by himself day in and day out.
>If he's dropping the kids off every single morning that's different,
>but most men drive to work and back alone.
>As an example of how my marriage works: I called my wife from work
>AFTER I'd wired the $1000 deposit for my DeLorean and said, "Honey, I
>bought a DeLorean on eBay. Can you drive me to the airport at 4am
>tomorrow morning?" She said, "Cool."
>So (1) find the right person, and (2) stand up for yourself when it's
>reasonable to do so.
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