Re: [DMCForum] cat bypass pipe ...was: Oh hell, not this again
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Re: [DMCForum] cat bypass pipe ...was: Oh hell, not this again

I need to get away from this damn computer!  Okay, one more thing about
heating studs.  Heating them with propane wasn't enough.  The moment I
the flame away, I could touch the block with my finger, and it was cold!
That aluminum alloy is a fantastic conductor of heat.  I ended up using
oxy-acetylene until the studs glowed red.  The ones that weren't broke I
double nutted and shook them with a small pneumatic wrench until they came
off.  Don't gasp now -- this wrench isn't near strong enough to break a
on its own.  The broken studs I grabbed with a cam style stud remover, but
it was a big clunky one that didn't have enough clearance on the upper
studs.  Next time I'm buying a thin socket style stud remover.

Also I will consider running the engine with the manifolds off to warm it
up.  Maybe this would expand things enough so that freezing the studs with
electrician's component cooler would make a difference.  I prefer using
refrigerant over fire any day -- if it would work.


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