The Fox's Den

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DeLorean's Devalued

From: Richard Cranium
Date: 15 Nov 2000
Time: 14:48:06


This site is HORRIBLE! I hate it! Personally, I feel the only man qualified to take a Delorean apart is Ed B. It's because of him that the Delorean is worth $50K. In fact, I feel the Delorean is so great and that I am so unworthy of even touching it, that I I have to call Ed on the phone everytime I want to drive it just to get his permission. I'm with Penis Head on this one. Anyone who informs Delorean owners as to how there car works should be brought out into the street and shot. It's a sad day when someone can just go onto the internet to find information on their Delorean instead of called 1-800-DMC-HELP and asking for Ed.

Richard Cranium

Last changed: August 03, 2007

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