RE: [doc] regional racism!!
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RE: [doc] regional racism!!
- From: Johnstone Richard <richard.johnstone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2004 10:03:29 -0000
Fraid not,
Both locations are well south of Watford Gap (which is up in
Rich #2727
-----Original Message-----
From: Dean Mitchell [mailto:deanscheme@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 23 December 2004 09:11
To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: [doc] regional racism!!
If dividing by the Watford Gap - DMUK have the perfect balance against
regional racism...
- with it's harmony of offices in Hertfordshire and a workshop in Southend.
Could DMUK be the new GOD?
Dean #4986
>From: "Andy Carvosso" <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>To: <doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>CC: "Andy Carvosso" <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: [doc] regional racism!!
>Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 20:32:05 -0000
>us "southerners" dont do so bad either thanks chrispy! If it wasnt for the>
combined efforts of myself, martin or dave,
>and our "southern" friends, (i take it we're dividing england by the
>watford gap?) DMUK wouldnt really stand for
>much. As it is the deloreans down sarf are going from strength to strength>
and DMUK never busier.
>so hey, give us some credit too eh?
>love ya
>Andy C DOC440
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Chris Parnham
> To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2004 10:09 AM
> Subject: RE: [doc] Clutch Done! (Long)
> I'm really glad you have completed yet another job is your cars
> "resurrection" Richard, and also impressed that you namesake, and fellow
> club member gave so freely of his time to help you out.
> I know that we "Northern" club members often spend time helping each
> other and it gladdens my heart to hear and see such things.
> But of course its not just in the North of England. Paul O'Malley and
> the rest of my boys in Ireland are always helping each other out, as
> Thomas can doubtless confirm.
> It's this sort of selfless co-operation that makes my job truly
> worthwhile. Trying to help bring about contact between like minded and
> very likeable folk. Anyway, enough of this soppy stuff!
> On a different note, the swanky new membership cards will finally be
> delivered to me tomorrow and I will send them to all "renewing " members
> ASAP, along with two new club stickers. So keep your subs coming in
> please.
> Dave has got the illuminated Club Stand well in hand and will definitely
> be ready for our next big show. (to be advised)
> Best regards
> Chris Parnham
> DOC 2
> RHD vin 5638
> BTTF vin 20049
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard [mailto:dickyh11@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: 22 December 2004 00:42
> To: doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [doc] Clutch Done! (Long)
> SNIP>>>>I have to extend my profuse thanks to Richard Hanlon (393/6126)
> for his
> help - without which the task would have been utterly impossible. The
> whole removal/refit job was performed under his car port on ramps (yes,
> RAMPS - not a lift) and took two long days of back breaking work. In the
> end his neighbour Russell had to join us for both removal and refit
> procedures!!!
> We're so lucky in our club to have so many members willing to help each
> other out. SNIP>>>
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