As we discovered at our "supercar weekend" last year - it doesn't take a
lot of money for everyone to enjoy themselves. I would suggest, based on
my experiences at Eurofest in 2001, that the Belfast nightlife is one to
be sampled, and with Paul Salsbury, or indeed Rob (if he would like to)
on hand with suggestions, a good night out at a decent restaurant for
everyone is more enjoyable than the mere cost of the meal when we have
all our DOC chums around.
Personally, I prefer doing the mileage in Eire as petrol's marginally
cheaper, and the roads are quieter. Going via Rosslaire, you also get to
drop into Dublin on the way up, and in May, the crossing from Fishguard
is a mere 2 hours on the Lynx (sea-cat). I've been to Dublin twice now
and will be going again in January to do a Robot demonstration at a
large show. Fantastic fun every time (apart from the traffic)
Anyway, the point - we're quite good about organising events based
solely on a "show of hands" and someone to suggest a hotel/restaurant
etc. I for one have both my hands in the air. Maybe my other car will be
ready in time for both my hands to count...
Chris Parnham wrote:
I try and reflect my DOC UK members wishes, I am not interested in
controversy or confrontations and would urge my members to bite their
tongues and follow suit.