A big thank you to everyone who came to Knebworth over the weekend, we had 8 cars on Sunday and 6 today. Every year at Knebworth (as with a few shows) they have the 'know it all' commentator in the show ring, so yesterday I took Flopsy in. All the commentator seemed interested in was banging on about taxpayers money, so I said "carry on like that and I'll take the car out". He also made a comment about the car being a pig.... Today, we go in en-masse, and whilst the funding was mentioned again, he did give a bit more info about the car and actually said that it never had the chance to prove whether it was a good or bad car as it was only in production for such a short time. Martin also handed him a 'DeLorean FAQ' sheet and spoke about the overal ownership experience and what the cars are like. I was interviewed for our local paper and had a few mug shots taken with Flopsy, roll on Thursday when the paper comes out :oD All in all, a nice show, nice cars, nice people!! Stuart has info about a show in Buntingford on 6th September, and after that the next one 'down this way' is St Marys School, Bishops Stortford on 21st September. We have been offered a 'club space' so if people are interested, if they can let us know asap so that we can get a space reserved. They are being stricter on clubs this year as last year they allocated the Granada Mk2 Club 10 spaces and they brought 30 cars which meant alot of people couldnt park in the regular show area and had to park up the top field. Anyway, enough of my babble, thanks again to everyone who made Knebworth, Claire #2292 'Flopsy'