Hi Nick, I have the same problem with my bonnet. In my case I think the catch on the car is still too high at its lowest setting because each corner will press down to be flush with the wings but it is high in the middle. I thought about raising the wings to the bonnet level but they are already higher than the doors.... I'd be interested in anyone's ideas Stuart 16686 --- In doc-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Nick Tomlinson < nickandkathryntomlinson@xxxx> wrote: > > Hi all, I'm getting my 'D' ready for its first show and I thought I'd align the bonnet for a better fit but I can't get it low enough. The fron of the bonnet where it is hinged is level with the front of the wing but at the big this now sits approx 1cm high. Looking at it it appears the rubber weather seal is too thick for me to lower the bonnet further. Is this a design 'feature' of the car and has anyone fitted a thinner seal to enable the bonnet to fit better?? > > I checked my brakes over before going on my hols. A couple of the pistons were a bit sticky and had to remove and clean them. It was a joy to work on as all nuts and bolts and bleed nipples came off readily and all crud was removed with spray on brake cleaner. I finished with a brake fluid flush through and change using gunsons eezibleed (one of the best gadgets i've used on a car). > > I've even managed to replace my electric door mirror switch. > > Just need some new struts now and a track rod end as rubber has gone. Does anyone know where you can get just the rubber covers? > > Regards, > > Nick. > > > > > > --------------------------------- > Yahoo! Plus - For a better Internet experience > > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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